Page 28 - Mercian Eagle 2017
P. 28

 MT Platoon Update
WO2 Bartle
The MT Platoon has had an extremely busy and successful year. A huge amount of hard work has been put in by the whole team; so, a very well done. The past twelve months has also seen some vast adjustments of MT personalities
and manning. Capt Ryan Lavercombe (MTO) sadly said his goodbyes and moved on to pastures new as the RCMO 3 ROYAL WELSH, he was not replaced for 11 months due to Capt Long being trawled and posted to BATUS for a season. Sgt Shirton (MT Sgt) also left the MT platoon on posting to some exciting new challenges as the Welfare SNCO at Warminster, with Cpl Haywood deservedly promoted to Sgt to fulfil the demanding MT Sgt role.
The Platoon has continued to support the Battalion through its particularly busy schedule of tasks and exercises
in the build up to and deploying as OPFOR on EX PRAIRIE STORMS 1 &
2 in Alberta, Canada. Members of the platoon played a vital role as A1 Echelon providing real life support (RLS) with Combat Service Support (CSS) to the Battle Group ensuring that they remained fully functional to achieve their missions. Equally working tirelessly in the rear with the gear was a small contingent of the platoon who remained at the top of their game on the Rear Ops Group (ROG) in Bulford providing transport. We also ran back to back driving and promotional qualifying courses, supported all new HGV drivers as qualified OP ESCALIN drivers and remaining focused on the combined assurance week (CAW). Success all round, allowing a little breathing space with the knowledge that the MT PL are well and truly heading in the right direction for the ECI and LSI due Jan 2018.
The MT Platoon has been conducting contract driver training (CDT) CSE’s,
qualifying nearly forty members of the Battalion ranging from Cat B to C+E with an added bonus of four members of the platoon gaining their coach licence, Great job!
Farewells and welcomes to the Platoon
As always we had to say goodbye to some outstanding members of the MT Platoon, Cpl Gareth Deans, Pte Phillip Barnard and Pte Ursell who have recently left the army, we would like to wish them all the very best for the future.
We would also like to welcome in to the MT Platoon, the new MTO Capt Long, Cpl Rozamond taking over as the Driver Trg 2IC, Cpl Grey return from posting, LCpl Bray white fleet details, Pte Morris OC’s Driver and Pte Kinsella intercompany transfer, MT Driver.
Huge Congratulations to LCpl Raybould on his promotion to Cpl.
UWO Capt D C Wyeth 2ic Sgt Baker
Staff LCpl Nash
Pte Avery Clerk Beth Steele
many games in America. The final task
for the department before a well-deserved stand down period was the preparation and execution of the brigade boxing competition which was a fantastic night that was enjoyed by all that attended.
Post stand down the QMs are looking forward to the challenges that 2018 brings
starting with a Combined Assurance Week, Castlemartin Gunnery Camp, preparing
for BATUS PS1 and later a deployment to Oman for EX JEBEL KNIGHT and EX SAIF SAREEA 3.
All this and we still finding time to take part in unit fitness.
Finally, the Quartermasters department say farewell to the following members Maj Jones, WOI Hopkins, WOI Redfern, CSgt Lambert, LCpl Mathurin, and Pte Fowler, More recently we say congratulations and goodbye to WO2 Hill on promotion to WO1 taking up the post of RSM in Czech Republic, we wish them well in the future.
Welfare Office
The Welfare Office has seen many changes to staff over the past six months with the departure of the outgoing UWO, Capt Dickie Page. Dickie has moved to the warmer climate of Cyprus, we all wish him well. Cpl Brooks has also handed over to LCpl Nash, Cpl Brooks has moved over to 2 MERCIAN Welfare Team where he will continue to be a great asset.
The families of our 1 MERCIAN soldiers and officers had some well-earned and much needed leave
together in August after
First up was the Halloween Party; there was no need to hire an entertainments team or a theme decorating team as the welfare team were keen to do this themselves. Cpl Brooks, Pte Avery and the wives committee turned the outside of the welfare centre and the internal foyer into a giant bat’s cave; this was very impressive and very scary to many of the children, as we would find out later!
The main hall was transformed into witch’s cave and a dance floor. Our welfare clerk Beth Steele kindly
volunteering to be the witch in the cave; Beth did a great job of being our resident witch and was visited by no less than 130 children!
The team were overwhelmed on the evening by the sheer number of children and adults! Dressed up and
walking from the Canadian estate to the welfare centre; it was like a scene from a zombie movie. We somehow coped with the numbers; with special thanks to the wives committee.
  a busy six month start
to the year. However, it
wasn’t long before the
soldiers were on the
move again to Gunnery
Camp. The Welfare
team wanted to make
the autumn and winter
activities as entertaining
as possible for the
families. First on the calendar was to form
a wives committee; this was easier than I thought with lots of willing volunteers, which brought with it a lot of good ideas and much needed help.
‘The families of our
1 MERCIAN soldiers and officers had some well-earned and much needed leave together ’
 Elves; LCpl Nash and Pte Avery with Father Christmas aka Sgt Baker

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