Page 39 - Mercian Eagle 2017
P. 39

A (Grenadier) ‘Champion’ Company, commanded by Major Andy Bourne MBE, deployed to South Sudan on Operation TRENTON 3 between July 2017 and January 2018 as part of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). The purpose of the United Nations mission is to promote peace in the youngest country in the world, at the tail-end of a bitter civil war, which has ravaged it over the last five years. More specifically, the United Nations are there to protect the civilian population from becoming casualties of the conflict, whether that is from being caught in cross-fire or actually being targeted.
A (Grenadier) Company were deployed to bolster a UK military engineer and medical Task Force of around 300 personnel. This UK Task Force was there to provide support to the UN civilian staff, the humanitarian community, the other troop contributing countries and those internally displaced South Sudanese civilians who lived in Protection of Civilian camps; which were the only safe-havens within the country. The Company was deployed to two locations in the north of country: Malakal (the regional capital of Upper Nile state) and Bentiu (the regional capital of Unity State). Both locations were close to the disputed border, with Sudan and the land surrounding being the most contested in the country due to natural mineral resources and oil reserves which can be found there. The Company was responsible for the intimate protection of
all the UK personnel deployed, whether
that be within the camp, on task sites or deployed at reach on reconnaissance tasks. Further to this, the Company also advised on force protection measures throughout the area of operations and also trained with other nations forces including Mongolians, Indians, Ghanaians, Rwandans and
A Coy Force Protection Group / South Sudan / July 2017
A Coy / Celebrating 10 Years of the Mercian Regiment / Malakal / South Sudan / September 2017
 The Bentiu FP team from A (Grenadier) Coy / South Sudan / July 2017
Ethiopians to improve the overall security situation.
This mission was significant as it was the first time the UK has become militarily involved in a UN mission with significant troop numbers in the last few decades. The Company was deployed at reach, in austere conditions and under a UN chain
of command. The Company acted as ambassadors for the UK and demonstrated to the UN what a modern, professional fighting force can offer to the international community. Although the Company wore the UN blue beret throughout the tour, the ethos, dedication and fighting spirit of the Mercian Regiment remained.

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