Page 16 - Oundle Life May 2022
P. 16

Part two...
 Continuing from part 1 in the April edition, here are some more key factors for a wildlife- friendly garden.
To forage and feed
Another essential feature of a wildlife friendly garden is a variety of places for the different animal residents to forage and feed.
Of course, we can provide food for some of them, such as birds and hedgehogs, but there are lots of ways which we can help nature provide too.
• A range of plants which flower and seed at varied times throughout the year, will provide food for the animals and insects that are active and feeding over different periods.
• Berry bushes and fruit trees will give another source of valuable and irresistible seasonal food. Ivy is a great source of autumn nectar for insects and late winter fruit for birds.
• An array of colourful nectar-rich flowers will attract bees, wasps, butterflies and other insects.
• If you create a garden which is full of minibeasts and insects, you’re also providing wealthy feeding ground for insect-eating birds, grub-hungry chicks and minibeast- eating mammals like hedgehogs and bats!
• A source or clean safe water is as important as food, whether it’s a larger pond or a small dish.
• One of the best things you can do to help butterflies and moths, is to make sure their caterpillars have the right plants to feed
on. A variety of different host plants will attract a more varied range of butterflies and caterpillars.
Thinking sustainably
Being sustainable and thinking of the

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