Page 10 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 10

  Ode to Junior Term
OCdt Johnson Sketches: OCdt Lovick
Twas the night before ironing board Sunday, And all throughout Surrey Each mother was packing, Their child’s car in a hurry
We were thrust into a world, Completely unaware We had joined the army now, Into the Sandhurst lair
The time had come, Self Reliance was finally here It was after this, my soldier skills would appear
Marching around the square, it seems to never end Anyone in the Household Div, I’m sure we did offend
The week 5 drill test was here, the intake were good to go But then came on 9 platoon, who absolutely stole the show
To leave the camp, Well, it is an odd affair
OCdts coming to the guardroom, Blazers, pink chinos, loafers they wear
The PTI comes prancing out, tight vest on show Us waiting there ready, for a stand by... go
Now the thing about battle PT, it isn’t too bad But the admin afterwards, well that is quite sad
The time is 2045, and now I need to go
It’s tonight’s daily routine, I’m back on show
The Colour Sergeant quizzes me, outside the guardroom next to my made bed Standing with other OCdts, someone even showing a loose thread
Final exercise in Norfolk, and it was rather bloody cold
OCdts really didn’t like it that much, but on the Army they were already sold!
The final week was here, so much drill on the square Marching around all day long, not too keen to be there
The term has ended, Juniors was an absolute ball Christmas round the corner, Happy new year to one and all

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