Page 22 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 22

OCdt Flack
7Platoon was ready to deploy, kit checked and cam cream on. They waited for the Chi- nook to land on Denton’s Yard to drop them
into Hankley Common. Unfortunately, the heli- copters were held up, so the white fleet coaches were rolled out; shipping Waterloo Company to the training area where they were greeted with the prospect of bombing up magazines and fill- ing their daysacks with boxes of ammunition. As the sun set, their radios were synced, lukewarm chicken sausage and beans ‘scranned’, and daysacks top-flapped. The platoon was ready to set out into the night, buzzing with the anticipa- tion of what was to come the next day.
The route to the harbour loca-
tion was long and hazardous.
The previous weeks of rain (which
we luckily avoided) had exposed
thousands of deadly roots along
the treeline, slowing down the
platoon, but eventually we made
it to the harbour. This had been
carefully selected due to its close
proximity to a pair of tactical por-
taloos. The first time setting up a
hasty harbour went as smoothly as expected. Harbour set and bashers up, 7 Platoon settled into their night routine, rotating through the end- less stag timings – using the newly issued night vision to keep watch for approaching enemy or any curious DS. This was the first exposure to some of the fun that low temperatures bring
when out in the field. The sound of chattering teeth and zipping sleeping bags rolled through the wood block. However, any nearby enemy would have heard the immense snoring from Mr Bever long before they would have heard any- thing else.
Before the dawn, 7 Platoon sprang into action and set off in the early morning sun to conduct their first ever platoon attack. We had only made
it 300m down the track before we came across our first conveniently placed enemy position. A GPMG opened fire and the platoon went straight into their well drilled platoon attack. 1 Section acted as Fire Sup- port, while 2 Section geared up for an assault. 3 Section was in reserve, resupplying the Fire Support and ready to deal with any casualties.
The first position was neutralised, but an enemy depth position pinned down the assaulting section. Before 3 Section could be called up to destroy the position, 2 Section (under the somewhat courageous leadership of Mr Rintoul) decided to just roll the position. The gleam of a gallantry cross could be seen in their eyes as they charged up the hill to overthrow the bullet-proof poncho and wipe out any enemy found there.
After the charge of the red-light brigade, all went quiet. It looked as if the battle was won, but alas another conveniently placed depth position hailed gunfire towards the platoon. Another fool- proof section attack and the enemy position was neutralised. 7 Platoon was now ready for the Re-Org. The Fire Support and reserve sections closed in, eye pro fogged up, and camelback nozzles lost. All platoon members had survived and learnt valuable lessons to take into the next attack.
   The platoon was ready to set out into the night, buzzing with the anticipation of what was to come the next day.

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