Page 51 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 51

  clearly lots of planning and funding that goes towards events around key times of the year; for example, most recently the Jubilee celebrations which were spread over several
to impact and influence the future leaders of the British Army.
 days with lots of different activities for all to get involved in.
I am extremely happy that I have had the opportunity to impact and influence the future leaders of the British Army.
I believe that, in the future, I will look back on my time at Sandhurst with fond memories. It has been a pleas- ure working with other instructors that have the same mentality and focus as myself. When you work with people that have so much knowl- edge and so many great ideas it makes for the perfect space to grow as an individual not only profession- ally, but personally too.
Now I have come to the end of my
time at RMAS, I realise that I have
a newfound respect for officers,
because unless you work here
or have come through and been
trained here, you will never really
understand the pressure and what
it is they have to go through in order to Commis- sion and earn the right of passage to march off the square and up the steps of Old College. I am extremely happy that I have had the opportunity
The RMAS motto is ‘Serve to lead’ and I believe the key to successful leadership is influence not authority.

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