Page 71 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 71

Ex OUREAN CADET was a rock climbing expedition to the Lake District aiming to tackle some classic multi-pitch routes within
the national park. For the first day the group descended into Langdale Valley in search of a suitable single pitch venue. Maj Wright, the main instructor for the week, began teaching and revising basic climbing skills: fitting a harness, tying in, and the basics of placing gear. At the same time OCdt Clegg, as the rock climbing supervisor, set up the first top rope climbs of the week.
The next day Shepard’s Crag in Borrowdale Val- ley offered an ideal single pitch spot for those more confident to practice leading under the supervision of Maj Wright as an RCI. The team also learnt how to do a stacked abseil, giving an alternate method for rappelling from a climb. After lunch Maj Wright took a pair off to attempt a classic route in the area: Little Chamonix. Unfortunately, on the first length of rope – the first pitch – the weather came in and the group had to abandon the climb and went to an indoor bouldering centre to allow everyone to work on their climbing technique without worrying about heights.
Blue skies were on offer on the Wednesday, so it was proposed to take two of the group on a bigger expedition day over to Great Gable to bag another classic route: Needle Ridge – the high- est climb of the week at 114m. The climb was very exposed compared to what the team had done before and much more adventurous.
The fourth day gave the group an opportunity to lead, for those who hadn’t had much practice
before. The venue gave plenty of opportunity for teaching different skills at all levels. In the after- noon the group again split into two groups, with Maj Wright taking two to climb Troutdale Pinna- cle back in Borrowdale – a fantastic multi-pitch route of 6 pitches with some tricky moves and fantastic views from the belay spots. A sport climbing crag was found for the final day; the slate offered a different style of climbing with sharper edges, but better protection with the bolts in the rock.
The group all gained something out of the trip; from a bold and adventurous introduction to the sport for the novices, to a week of valuable experience climbing and coaching for the vet- eran climbers. All the way back, the group were busy planning their next trips, with everyone keen to get out on the rock again.

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