Page 80 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 80

OCdt Nelson
The AT week at the end of Inters is a time to challenge yourself, but in a slightly more... friendly environ- ment. Standing atop Kinder Scout as the heavens open is certainly one way of getting a laugh from the group. By the end of our trip, every route had to change due to the overwhelming heat. We’ve braved hordes of stinging nettles, overly curious sheep, and
  some frankly big hills that I hoped would remain in the backdrop.
The difficulty of the trails increased as confidence grew, with the group taking on red routes and even one black route!
was correct. We always reached the end however, usually besides a small café with some vital ice-cream inside.
Each day began early to beat the heat, usually get- ting up well before we usu- ally would during termtime
The Peak District is a
lovely place to spend
a week hiking, and we
enjoyed the scenery with-
out having to search for
a Gurkha under a basha.
Standing atop the hills we could see for miles around; the ruins of castles, and Victorian villages squashed into the landscape. The navigation isn’t overly difficult, but sometimes the small tracks got very clustered, resulting in some interesting discussions as to which way
at Sandhurst (shockingly yes, this is possible), but ultimately, we got into the roasting van and drove over miles of winding (and winding) roads to reach some small quaint village in the backend of nowhere, where our days’ walking would begin. Each walk started slow, but as the miles passed, we picked up the pace, thoroughly enjoying ourselves. Lunch stops and snack stops consisted of inquisitive sheep and little puppies out on their first adventure, and day one even accidentally included part of the route for a National Fell running event. All in all, nobody can deny that a hiking trip in the Peak District is somewhere beautiful that everyone should have the pleasure of exploring.

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