Page 96 - The Wish Stream Year of 2022
P. 96

sports were attuned to be suitably sedentary; Altberg boots were ‘wanged’ by a red post box (OCdt Wakeford), Bramley apples were bobbed by two Ginger Spices (OCdts King and Coates) and items were bungee-slingshotted by a trio of teabags (OCdts Hunter, Dinkele and Deoso).
A visit to Bletchley Park conceived by OCdt Brown set the bar high for the rest of the term, where Britain’s WWII Codebreakers greatly inspired OCdts, understanding the importance of interception, data, and intelligence. OCdt Hicks said: “It was very culturally relevant; I learnt an incredible amount. I wished we could have stayed there longer.” OCdts left feeling galva- nised by Turing’s cracking of the Enigma code, and feeling compassion for his plight.
Following on from the superlative extracurricular action, Lucknow’s eponymous ‘luck’ yet again did not fail to provide, gracing the OCdts with another superb trip: Whitehall. This time envi- sioned by OCdts Burtenshaw and Lewis, OCdts rubbed shoulders with notable Members of Par- liament and even dabbled in debates (from the wings) in the House of Commons, before heading out to Horse Guards’ Parade. Due to their military status, OCdts were granted a special backstage pass and enamoured themselves with magnifi- cent horses stabled there. After being imbibed in 350 years’ worth of history in the Household Cavalry Museum, OCdts watched the mounted guard change and inspection – the mirror-like sheen on the horses’ tack and soldiers’ helmets had many grateful that they only had their own boots to polish.
Lucknow Platoon haven’t only jetted around to exciting venues this term – they also worked on their skills closer to home. OCdts requested
further qualifications on weapons, and this wish was granted; OCdts were taught how to use GPMGs, something not usually taught on the course and something many wouldn’t get to use in their careers, but a great skill nonethe- less. OCdt Sturgess said: “The GPMG was really effective training especially at 600m.” Desiring a furbish of their field skills, Lucknow observed Ex SECOND ATTACK and Ex TEMPLERS TRI- UMPH as cadets in Intermediate and Senior Terms, conducted platoon attacks and raids, dealt with rioters and working dogs, and played both NATO forces and rowdy civilians – all under the inspirited gaze of our injured OCdts.
This term was an incredibly successful one for the Platoon, which can both be accredited to the OCdts and staff, with the former chomping at the bit to escape the monotone and the latter enabling this to happen. OCdts have taken the helm on activities and this has been invaluable for their leadership skills and experience – and despite all fighting through the mental and physi- cal challenges that come with being injured, they have all embodied their maxim: ‘Seize the opportunity.’

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