Page 18 - Jigsaw October 2020
P. 18

                                A new way of doing things.....................................................
A view from the organ at St Paul’s Catholic Church in Thrapston
Whilst social distancing is strictly observed, and many parts of the Mass have had to be changed or curtailed, it is wonderful nevertheless to be able to join in together with a ‘live’ celebration conducted either by Canon Michael or Father David.
Following a one way system we enter
the church by the rear entrance and, after signing in with contact details, sanitising our hands and putting on face masks, we are directed to a seat by a steward, filling up from the back pews - but I am in a privileged position having the only reserved seat in church - the organ bench!
I am so pleased to be able to play the organ again in church. Of course singing together is not permitted but ‘a single cantor’ is allowed.
Though hymn singing together is not possible in church, I have still been choosing
four hymns every Sunday reflecting the theme of the weekly liturgy. I have recorded myself singing selected verses and emailed the selection and the recordings to other church members who kindly wish to receive them. I will continue to sing and play in church from my screened vantage point - the organ bench!
Vincent Davy
         Coming soon, the new...
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