Page 8 - Jigsaw October 2020
P. 8

                                All about your Jigsaw................................................................
Ever wondered where Jigsaw magazine comes from?
 Here at Jigsaw we’d like to share with you our ethos for keeping things really local. We believe that keeping all our production within a 20 mile radius, not only helps our local economy, but also lessens the environmental impact that we have.
So many magazines have a huge carbon footprint, as things have to be shipped all around the country for their production – NOT SO with your Jigsaw. Here is a quick guide to the people that make it all happen:
Thrapston Town Council
Joining forces with these lovely people has been a great success. It makes so much sense to have
only one publication being delivered, one that focuses soley on the
immediate area. We devote 4 pages in every issue to Town Council news.
June Davy
I’m sure a lot of you know
this lovely lady who has
a big heart and an ever
bigger love for her Church
and the community she
lives in. June collates the
editorial for the magazine –
church service times, events, glance at the past etc. Once June has all the content for the month gathered together, she emails it through to...
Here the information is laid out into magazine
pages by Caroline Nall. A local lady, Caroline spent
the first 20 years of her life in Islip, and the next 20 years in Denford, so
she knows a thing or two about the area. While she is designing the pages, the advertisements are being sold by...
Crest Publications
...who are just the other side of the room to
TypeStart, as they are all part of the same company.
The advertising that Jodie, Steph, Maxine and Andreia sell, pays for the
design, printing and distribution. It’s essential that we have happy advertisers, who get business from their adverts, otherwise the magazine wouldn’t have a future. When the adverts have been dropped into Caroline’s layouts, the finished files go off to be printed. Then, it’s over to our delivery experts...
Local Leaflet Drop
Living locally for 24 years, Duncan Reid has a superb local delivery team that ensures every doormat
in Thrapston, Islip and Denford is graced with a copy of Jigsaw magazine every month.
Jigsaw is also available to pick up from Thrapston’s cafes, show homes, Co-op, etc
Your local magazine, is just that – local!
Written, advertised in, designed, printed and delivered – all by people in and around Thrapston.
     We’d love to make it even better, but we need your help...
Get in touch
Send us a photograph for the front cover, a picture your child made, or write a piece centred around your local community. If it’s important to you, then it needs to be in Jigsaw. Keep supporting us, and we’ll keep bringing you all the news from your area.
01536 317000

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