Page 3 - Jigsaw May 2021
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There’s a buzz on the High Street...
 Hopefully by the time this issue of Jigsaw is on your doormat, shops and businesses are open again (or at least very nearly), and able to welcome you back through their doors. Hurrah! How different our streets have felt with them closed. And how excited we all are to be getting back to doing what we love, earning our living and being a part of this thriving community.
Shops classed as non-essential, salons, car showrooms, eateries and pubs have been closed for 7 out of the past 12 months. An extraordinary challenge for business owners and their staff – a time of uncertainty and stress, ups and downs on a rollercoaster ride none of us knew we would be riding at all, let alone for so long.
Add to that the changes that Brexit has brought; lengthy waits for stock, increased costs and changes to supplier terms amongst others. It’s certainly been a testing time.
Many businesses here have been able to continue trading in some way, either online
or over the phone, offering deliveries and takeaways. Kudos to those who have, because it takes a huge amount of work, quick thinking,
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adapting and often working longer hours. But it’s what it takes to stay upright, stay motivated and importantly, to keep customers happy
and loyal. Even for those businesses who have been able to stay open have faced challenges, with lower footfall and their usually reliable commercial contracts on hold while parts of the economy are closed down or cutting back.
A huge thank you to all who have continued to shop locally, going the extra mile to keep using the businesses which have had to close.
You’ll find a few changes in some of the businesses as you visit them again – many have wisely spent this time redecorating, restocking, repairing and rebranding.
If ever there was a time to use your local shops and businesses, it’s now. They are an important part of the life and soul of our community, so much more than just places to buy things, grab lunch or get a haircut. They are places to find friendship and pass the time of day, share news and connect with others. A vital part of our community!
We’re so looking forward to seeing you!
Charlotte from Jollys Toys
        As well as printing 4,000 copies...
Cover photo: Lizzie Coleman from Thrapston
And look out for us on Facebook too: @jigsawlocalmagazine
 If you would like anything to be included in the June 2021 issue of Jigsaw, send it to: Editorial:
by 26th April 2021.
Advertising: by 28th April 2021.
If you would like anything to be included in the July 2021 issue of Jigsaw, send it to: Editorial:
by 26th May 2021.
Advertising: by 28th May 2021.
 The publishers of Jigsaw do not necessarily agree with the views expressed by contributors to this magazine and do not accept any responsibility for any errors in transmission in the subject matter of this publication. All advertisements are included in good faith and the publishers, cannot therefore accept any responsibility for any services offered by advertisers. No part of this publication may be reproduced without express written permission. Anybody who supplies a photograph to be used in Jigsaw is responsible for obtaining permission and release statements from any person or item, whose image appears on them.

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