Page 54 - Wish Stream Year of 2018
P. 54

OCdt Schute
In December 2018, a team of eight Officer Cadets embarked on a week of Alpine Ski- ing in Mayrhofen, Austria. We arrived on the
evening of the 15th December after a relatively hassle-free day of travel and found that our kindly chalet host was waiting at the door of our accommodation. After receiving some friendly advice from her on places to eat in
quite a challenge for some. However, by the end of the day we were all able to get down the hill in one piece, though not always attached to skis.
The next few days saw the group improve con- siderably and by day three we were pushing onto some of the harder reds in the resort. Our
the town and a weather forecast for the week, we settled into our new home. OCdt Smith and OCdt Wil- liams were our resident chefs and went to great lengths to create a menu that brought in a number of different themes for each night of the week, the first being ‘Born in the USA’.
The weather was perfect in the morning, which certainly made the learning process a little easier...
final two days were spent exploring other areas of the ski range and sum- moning up enough courage to go for a few laps in the park. We ventured in and hit a few kickers, with OCdt Wil- liams getting at least three feet of air on one particular jump.
We were sad to leave Austria on Sat- urday 22nd December after what had been a thoroughly enjoyable week. Mayrhofen was an excellent resort with a terrific atmosphere and a lot of runs
 The next morning, we made for the
ski hire shop, picked up our equip-
ment and hit the slopes. The weather was per- fect in the morning, which certainly made the learning process a little easier and everyone was able to pick up the snowplough in no time at all. After lunch we decided to make a bid for one of the steeper slopes, ‘Blue 26’, which proved
to choose from. We were also fortunate enough to have the weather on our side for most of the trip, with great snow conditions. I can safely say that this won’t be the last time the ‘Frosty Cadets’ take to the slopes.

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