Page 7 - Wish Stream Year of 2018
P. 7

 Allt Schoolteacher bothy with
OCdts outside preparing dinner
After CC172’s Sovereign’s Parade we departed RMAS around 1430hrs, arriv- ing at Stansted around three hours later before catching the flight to Glasgow, where we stayed overnight.
 After our first Saturday
lie in for around 14
weeks, we checked
out of the hotel and
found somewhere
for breakfast before
departing for the
Cairngorms. The walk
to the bothy was around 10km. The main aim of the day was to introduce OCdts to the Bothy concept and allow them to experience living in one. After arriving and having our dinner, we stayed up a little later watching the sunset and socialising, playing cards before climbing into our sleeping bags.
The next morning, we got up and headed up to summit our first Munro of the week; Beinn Dearg at a height of 1008m above sea level. Once at the top we had
a quick bit of lunch hid- ing behind the granite rocks before heading back down a differ- ent way. When we arrived back at the car we quickly got on our way head- ing to Feshiebridge
OCdts practising their Micro Navigation around Aviemore in the sun
 After our first Saturday lie in for around 14 weeks...
 OCdts catching a break from the wind on the summit of Gael Charn with A’Mharconaich in the background

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