Page 8 - Cormorant 2019
P. 8

Trafalgar Night Dinner
Lt Col Will Meddings
 THE HONOUR (OR CHALLENGE) of organising the first formal dinner of the ACSC academic year always falls to the Royal Navy;
Trafalgar Night falls in October, giving the dark blue cohort the chance to show the junior services how a dinner should be run.
Trafalgar Night is an appropriate battle for ACSC. The British fleet was truly international. HMS
Victory’s crew was typical of the fleet; as well as British nationals, there were 22 Americans and small numbers from other countries including Sweden, Holland, Malta, Italy and the West Indies. The fleet even had Spanish and French sailors aboard. This year one of the Spanish officers on ACSC could boast a great, great, great grandfather who had fought at the battle – on the Spanish side.
As the first dinner of the year, the places filled up fast, especially given the entertaining advertisement provide by two of the committee. Students from ACSC and ICSC were all keen to take part in a
   The fleet even
had Spanish and French sailors
aboard. ◆◆◆

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