Page 85 - Cormorant 2019
P. 85

                                                                                                    ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE
Ottewill Silversmiths Ltd
Manufacturers and Restorers of Military Silverware
         • Traditional Silversmithing • Modern Technology
• Caring Craftsmen
• Design & Manufacture • Experts in Restoration • Enamelling & Plating
‘Preserving the past - creating treasures of the future.’ Evegate Business Park, Station Road, Smeeth, Ashford, Kent TN25 6SX 01303 814484
WHETHER IT’S A SPECIAL piece to commemorate service, tableware or a gift to the Mess, Military Silverware represents the history of a Regiment and forms part of our heritage. It
is brought out to celebrate special occasions. It needs to look its best.
Care and attention of these pieces keeps them looking good for years to come.
Ottewill Silversmiths Ltd have the long- held reputation of care and attention to detail. Through working with Regiments across the UK, their experience
and expertise has transformed long forgotten pieces and maintained models and everyday tableware, making these pieces the pride of the Mess. We can do the same for you.
BLTB advert 182 x 127.indd 1
01303 814484

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