Page 93 - Cormorant 2019
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 A perspective from Brazil Cdr Jonathas Campos, Brazilian Navy
I was sailing 200 nautical miles distant of the Brazilian coast, as Commanding Officer of the Ocean Patrol Vessel “Apa” – P 121, when the communications officer came toward me in the bridge with a copy of the message of the Brazilian Navy Commander assigning me to attend the ACSC22. Initially, I thought that the brave sea and the pitch
and roll of the ship could be affecting my eyes, but seconds after, I realised that it was real. Amid a naval patrol and with lots of situations on board to cope with I had been selected to attend the course that would bring to me and my family several benefits.
When my ship returned to the Base, many friends greeted me and some of them told me that I would attend the most challenging and busiest course around the world...they were
right! The course was packed full of essays, exams and SRA, being really ‘time demanding’. However, I am sure that all of the hard tasks gave me knowledge for my entire life. I will have the opportunity to spread the lessons to Navy Organisations and Naval Staff, my next job.
Preparing to move stuff to go to another country is not an easy task. I think that I lost thousands of hair strands, conversely, the opportunity given to me and my family was amazing. My daughter now speaks English better than me and my wife met many people of all parts of this immense world. As I explained to some friends, apart from improving
my English skills and achieving a high level of grasp in Defence issues, I could build solid friendships that will last forever. It was one year of hard work, but also of British barbecues, parties and traditional food of countries which I would never think of being so close.
I am very thankful to all who contributed to become my life more smooth: British and international friends, JSCSC Commandant and staff, as well as civilians of SERCO. I would like to finish these words with a question: To what extent to you agree that if you go to Brazil, my house will be your house? The answer is: To a large extent! I will miss you guys..
   A perspective from the Ukraine Maj Viacheslav Tsyhankov
What does ACSC mean for me? I think it is the best place to spend one year of your career, especially when you decide to be a Staff Command Officer. It gave me the opportunity to improve my analytical skills and knowledge on a wide spectrum of strategic and operational issues, from Sun Tzu’ treatise on “Art of War” to
“How much laundry can be washed by a support unit?”
One of the important aspects of studying here is the opportunity to achieve a Master’s degree in one of the most prestigious universities in the world. Another positive aspect is the pleasure to
study with British and international colleagues, which played a vital role in understanding worldwide issues and sharing experience. Also, in the long-term, I have made a lot of new friends, with whom I might work together or visit in the future.
Finally, “it is all about our families!” They supported us through the course and it was a good opportunity for our kids to study in local school and nursery as well for our beloved spouses to improve their English and socialise with each other.
My family really enjoyed our time here. So did I. Thank you all.
  ‘Keep Smiling’ on ACSC 22; A perspective from India
Major Indu Jayawickrama - India Army
Representing a small island nation in South Asia, I can confidently say that ACSC – the twelfth foreign course I have attended – is by far the best in my military career. ACSC 22 offered me an opportunity to meet many fellow military officers from different cultures, with different ideas and perspectives from many different
nations across the globe, from where the sun rises to where the sun sets. During syndicate room discussions my mind went from sunny West Africa, to tropical Indonesia and then snowy Norway. When my opinions were challenged, I kept smiling. It was not all about Boko Haram, or Middle East oil, or maritime security, or
even Russia and China. Sometimes, it felt like being asked to touch one’s nose by taking your hand all the way around the head instead of doing it directly – but by doing so we always learnt a lot on the way and I always kept smiling. If you are not comfortable with OLPP exercises or any other element of the course, it is always best to go with the flow and always keep smiling. ACSC 22 was a great course filled with knowledge, humour and fun.

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