Page 27 - ALG Issue 4 2023
P. 27

                                   the Brussels sprouts are almost 1.2 metres tall. The Brigadier cabbages
are like footballs and with the wet July the purple sprouting broccoli, winter Savoys and kale have got established quickly from a later planting. There
has been some whitefly starting to appear but will be controlled with a suitable insecticide before they get too advanced and start leaving sooty mould on the leaves.
Talking whitefly, the polytunnel that plotholders like myself can rent a space in has been infested this year, and has caused real issues with tomato, pepper and cucumber crops, that all need washing thoroughly to clean off any stickiness or sooty mould before they can be eaten. This problem I believe has arisen due to plotholders overwintering strawberries, geraniums and fuchsias that were not completely clean when taken in. This winter the tunnel needs a thorough clean and possibly fumigating to kill off any overwintering pests so we all have a clean start this year.
Every year in August the announcement of the Best Kept Allotment on our site in Capel St Mary is made after plots are secretly judged three times in the year, from May to early August and the points are added up.
Once again for the 6th time in 7 years I have been lucky enough to WIN The Best Kept Allotment on our site with (293points). Congratulations should also go to Dennis Smith (279 points) and Angie Armitage (276 points) who came second and third.
The Best Newcomer went to Simon Wade, who has worked hard since taking on his plot and has created a very productive plot in his first year with some good quality crops.
The competition for Best Polytunnel plot was won by Rob Birnie, with me coming second, and Colin Hayward coming third.
       By now you
should have received your 2024 NAS Kings Seeds Catalogue
It won’t be long before autumn arrives and the big clear up will start, ready for that all important winter digging preparation for next year’s crops.
By now you should have received your 2024 NAS Kings Seeds Catalogue filled with many old favourites and lots of tried and tested exciting new varieties. Plus, don’t forget if any NAS member has a seed problem and needs some free advice, the team at Kings Seeds are always at the end of a phone to help. Happy Gardening!
Andrew Tokely, Horticultural Director for Kings Seeds
Allotment and Leisure Gardener 27

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