Page 7 - ALG Issue 4 2023
P. 7

                                 nice friendly atmosphere at the nursery. I have a very strong connection to
this organisation. If you ever visit RHS Harlow Carr: Horticap, Bluecoat Wood Nurseries is very near and just over the road.
The NAS Yorkshire Region rotates
their meetings around the region and usually visit a nearby allotment site. We went to Beverley recently. I was quite excited as in 2012 I helped establish
an allotment site on a 1,000 acre farm. We were able to visit it, after asking permission of course. It was a lovely site and very well kept. There was a low-lying uncultivatable patch which had been transformed into a lovely wildlife pond. I thank the Association for the opportunity to visit their lovely site
and their very informative tour around the site.
I hope one or two of you opened up your site for National Allotments Week. During the week, I was very pleased to be invited to present the trophies at the nearby village show at Addingham. It was the first show since the pandemic and what a lovely show it was. There were some really nice vegetables and fruit on display and the judge was none other than the illustrious David Allison, our horticultural advisor.
The children’s section was amazing with 180 entries and three categories, one of which was a poem about their garden. They were excellent. There is a little bit about this show in the Yorkshire section
The NAS Yorkshire Region rotates their meetings around the region
of the magazine. This was immediately followed by the International Allotment Federation Study Session in Cambridge, mentioned above.
The webinars that NAS offer are still very popular with PCs and LAs. We have been invited by the National Local Councils Association to attend two regional conferences near Yorkshire with a promotional stand and better still as their lead speakers and I understand there are other events similar to this around the country.
Keep smiling whatever the weather and enjoy your allotment gardening.
Your forever busy President, Phil Gomersall
  NASmembersbenefitfromawealthof knowledge and resources and have the satisfactionofknowingthattheyarehelping toraisetheprofileofallotmentgrowingand protecting sites. Benefits include:
• FREEAllotmenteers’LiabilityInsurance for individual plotholders. Has your associationenrolledyourgroup?
• Initiallegaladviceandsupport to create or develop sites and site management.
• Supportiveregionalnetwork;can you offer time to promote allotment growing in your area? Contact your Regional Representative to find out how you can get involved.
• NASmembersgetaccessto
Allotment Association insurance from
• Magazineande-magazine/e-newsin
members area of the website.
• Individualmagazinesubscriptionfor
affiliates just £10 per annum!
• DiscountedqualityseedsfromKings
Seedswithonlineorderingfacilityand extra discounts for large orders.
• Retaildiscountsfromwell-known gardening suppliers.
• Gardeningadvice–memberscan sendintheirqueriestoDavidAllisonour Horticultural Advisor, and check out the monthlyjobsonourwebsitegrowing pages. NationalallotmentsocietyorInstagram @national_allotment_society
Check out for further details.
Association secretaries are provided with log-in details for the members area – ask your association secretary for details today.
Allotment and Leisure Gardener 7

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