Page 12 - The Bugle 2018
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The 1st Battalion has had a rewarding year. The focus for the first half was Ex ASKARI STORM in Kenya in Jan-Feb 2018. This demanding exercise went very well, with Comd BATUK stating that 1 RIFLES’ Battle Group’s performance was up there with the very best Battle Groups they had seen, while 1 RIFLES was also the first unit to train to failure against the new enhanced OPFOR commanded by CO 2 LANCS. Subsequently the Battalion has assumed readiness responsibilities as both the VJTF(L) Light Infantry BG and JEF Light Infantry Bn, and continues to train hard for the most demanding scenario within NATO. Defence Engagement, sporting and adventure training activity all marches on making for an unrelenting but fulfilling programme.
In the autumn of 2017, the Battalion began its build up training for Ex ASKARI STORM. S Coy completed its specialist Platoon cadres to regen- erate capabilities that had atrophied during the 16-month Op SHADER commitment. Concur- rently, the Battalion Skill at Arms Meet (SAAM) 11-15 September and Ex CHOSEN MAN 25-29 September tested core individual battlecraft skills. On Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL in October, an S Coy team and a composite Rifle Coy team did well to achieve Gold and Silver medals respectively, while our hosted Uzbek team achieved a Silver medal. The Battalion, led by B Coy and the QM’s department, also had the challenging task of providing real life support to the exercise. Concurrently, A Coy conducted its Op Rehearsal exercise in Bosnia for Op ELGIN while C Coy provided the Hunter Force for Ex PILGRIMS’ PROGRESS.
Battalion Headquarters conducted Ex VENERABLE ACE 30 Oct-3 Nov with HQ 12 Armd Inf Bde in preparation for our VJTF(L) commitment before the Combined Arms Staff Trainer (CAST) 6-10 Nov, leading to a successful assessment and the award of a high scoring Green from CAST(North). Throughout Nov and Dec, the Coys had dedicated time to train to reach the start standard for Ex ASKARI STORM 1/18. The exercise is well described in B Coy’s article. Another testament to the standard of our Riflemen was their respecting of a more liberal walk-out policy enabling enjoyment of Nanyuki and surrounding areas, without any disciplinary issues.
1 RIFLES took over the VJTF(L) Light Infantry BG and JEF Light Infantry Bn on 1 Mar 18, one effect of which is working to three different Bde HQs (HQs 160X, 12X and 7X). NATO Assurance Measure Exercises relevant to our role have included Ex SARMIS in Romania in June and Ex NOBLE PARTNER in Georgia in August, both for Coy groups, and Ex ALBANIAN LION will follow in September for a Pl. The Bn continues to train and prepare for contingency with Coy defensive exercises being completed. The Bn has also conducted much study on the Falklands War including receiving talks from veterans, and in July completed a Battlefield Study
of the British Expeditionary Force’s campaign in Belgium and France during May and June 1940.
Defence Engagement activity continued apace as C Coy deployed a Short Term Training Team (STTT) to Kazakhstan in May on the preliminary part of Ex STEPPE EAGLE 18. The main exercise will follow in August in the USA. Ex PLATINUM WOLF took place in Serbia in June as the UK continues to build a relationship there, while the Bugles reached Central Asia for a series of Queen’s Birthday Parties. B Coy will deploy an STTT to Uzbekistan for two weeks in Aug to prepare a team from the Uzbek Army to enter Ex CAMBRIAN PATROL to build on their success last year. Support to Regimental events is also significant, with much planned over the Summer to bolster our connections and recruiting efforts across the wider Regiment.
In addition to our primary outputs, there have been sporting performances which have continued to be of a high standard; the Rugby team achieved a third-place finish in the ARU Premiership while Cycling has continued to deliver success, with Cpl Bodley winning the Infantry Road Race Champi- onship Cycling.
Looking forward, Ex ALLIED ACE at Sennelager in October will be the Battle Group HQ’s culmination of NATO readiness training, providing an opportunity to work under HQ 12 Armd Inf Bde and to further develop our mobile BG Main HQ. Further out, the confirmation that 1 RIFLES will deploy on Op TORAL 8 in 2019 has been enormously popular, providing the operational look forward that 1 RIFLES badly needed.
Lt Col Matt Baker OBE
Practising digging in for VJTF readiness role
Conducting Battlefield Study of BEF’s 1940 campaign