Page 121 - The Bugle 2018
P. 121
HQ and C Companies
The past year has seen momentous change October 2017 to Ex Warrior Strike in June 2018
within HQ Company, as C Company has grown within it and will now split off to become a sub-unit of its own (14, 15 and Assault Pioneer Platoons). Catering, MT and QM Platoons are now commanded by the Quartermaster, with a new MTO likely to be appointed shortly. C Company is currently commanded by the 2IC, but a new OC is also likely to arrive in the near future. A new location for a platoon outstation for the company is under consideration, expanding the Berkshire footprint beyond Reading. The driving forces that are Major Neil Perriton VR and WO2 (CSM) Dylan ‘Archie’ Gemmell VR have both been posted to Southampton University from where we hope to find the next generation of platoon commanders.
Training has been brisk. The Baltic Series prepared our Riflemen for the rigours of Op Cabrit 1 where the UK Company, delivered by 7 RIFLES integrated into the Estonian Battle Group. After an epic three and half day road move by the MT Platoon across 1,600 miles and eight nations – all at 50mph – the exercise consisted of a RSOI exercise, the multinational Exercise Northern Frog followed by a blend of local culture and battlefield study before the UK Company flew home. The MT Platoon grizzed it out, returning to Brock Barracks on 26 September 2017. Our Riflemen were now proficient at operating in woods and forests.
On return, HQ Company reset. The next challenge was to begin the process of Armoured Infantry familiarisation. CIS Platoon set high standards by immediately delivering Basic Radio User and Infantry Platoon Radio Operators courses upskilling Riflemen recently posted to the platoon. MT Platoon responded to the challenge of building A1 Echelon capability and the Riflemen of 14 Platoon to the sea change of training as dismounts operating from Warrior Armoured Fighting Vehicles. As we moved from
the growing competence across all 9 Platoons based in Reading can be clearly measured.
With this change in role comes increased demand for Combat Service Support. SSgt Karen Beasley has had 4 new chefs recently complete Bravo training. She and Cpl Paul Clarke have embarked on intensive training quickly to prepare their new charges to complete their Phase 2 training through attendance at the B3 Chefs Course. Cpl Clarke, pictured after receiving his Lord Lieutenant’s Certificate of Meritorious Service, retires in October 2018 – his legacy will be long lasting.
January 2018 saw the return of Sgt Donna White from Op SHADER with 2 RIFLES. Her energy, current operational experience and drive to see Med Platoon become fit for purpose quickly is already paying off. Rfn David Jackson passed CMT 2 in April 2018 and Pte Erin Hendy qualified CMT3 in 2017: she is already a well-respected medic attached to 14 Platoon.
HQ and C Companies are in good shape and our prospects look healthy as we move through 2018. Pte Blackman AGC (SPS) completed his Phase 2 SIPAC qualification with a glowing report: he is just one example of new soldiers making great strides in their individual reserve careers whilst developing the capability in Reading incre- mentally.
Capt Jolyon English
Acting OC, C Coy
C Company Riflemen celebrate receiving Lord Lieutenant’s awards (left- right): WO1 Rob Soutter (PSAO Comd Coy); Maj NAJ Perriton (OC Comd Coy);
Sjt Danny Hyland (14 Pl Sjt and LLC recipient); Cpl Paul ‘Nobby’ Clarke VR (Chef and LLC recipient); Rfn (now LCpl) James Hygate (Berkshire’s Reservist of the Year 2017); Capt JGH English VR (MTO and Comd Coy 2IC); CSjt Will Spear (Comd Coy RSUSO), and 2Lt (now Lt) Kelvin Tse, OC 14 Plt.