Page 133 - The Bugle 2018
P. 133

                                   HQ Coy
HQ Coy was formed 1st November 2018, and initial recruitment was largely from the Rifles elements of 5RRF. Since then, there has been a slow but steady intake of both new recruits and transfers and re-en- listments providing the core of the company.
Training started in earnest in January, with the Unit Based Virtual Trainer package in Catterick, which was well attended by HQ Coy and organised by Sjt Anderson in his civilian role. The Battalion Operational Shooting Competition in February allowed HQ Coy to truly shine. An almost clean sweep of the trophies took place, and as the Officer Commanding I was almost embarrassed for the other Companies, but I quickly got over it!
A series of Company led training events have since taken place, utilising the talent within the Coy and also drawing on the Training Team’s considerable experience. Exercise BUGLE CALL, a CIS led event, had a good turn out and delivered well-paced and varied training. Notably it was planned and delivered entirely by JNCOs. The audience was SNCO to the OC and all found it of benefit. This amply demonstrates the value of empowering leaders at all levels.
Exercise BUGLE PATROL was, unsurprisingly, based on Patrol skills. Again, the training was correctly paced and directed at the right level. All ranks fully participated, to the extent that I believe we may have set a new level for rank heavy Demonstration Troops: two Majors and two Warrant Officers demonstrating contact drills with a combined age of around 200 years! Much like creative Exercise naming, acting your age is an area for improvement within HQ Coy...
The last training event of the calendar to date was Exercise BUGLE DEFENCE, a weekend utilising the Permanent Defensive Positions in Feldom Gate. Training was delivered by HQ Coy members and was for most a remind and revise. Attendance was low, due no doubt to the other distractions on that weekend: Wimbledon, the unbelievably good weather and the utterly staggering fact that England made the World Cup quarterfinals!
It has been an excellent first year for HQ Company, and the foundations have been set for an equally successful 2019, where I hope we will continue from strength to strength.
Maj Peter Hope, OC HQ Coy
          THE RIFLES
HQ Coy’s Shooting team with their silverware
 Getting to grips with new ways of training on the UBVT

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