Page 179 - The Bugle 2018
P. 179
The Rifles Officers’ Oxford Club
The Club continues to enjoy the great advantage of having access to the superb messing facility located within Edward Brooks Barracks in Abingdon. The Judges’ Lodgings in Aylesbury that has been of such benefit to the Club over the years to maintain a presence in Buckingham- shire is unfortunately no longer available and we are actively seeking an alternate venue for future events in the county. We believe the raison d’être of the club continues to be to provide a focal point for the Regiment in our two counties and to be a welcoming and useful venue for both members and their guests. Over the years and very much with the support of members, we have built on the ambience of our two homes by providing decent luncheons and interesting speakers in a convivial and collegiate atmosphere that all officers and many guests would instantly recognise and many have enjoyed.
The year began with a combined Club and RGJ Association luncheon that continues to be very well attended as an offset to the bleak mid-winter. In March, the club was privileged to listen to the Commanding Officer of 7 RIFLES, Lieutenant Colonel Graham Cox, present a fascinating insight into the psychology of human perception with a focus on how to change mind-sets, that was both thought provoking and hugely enjoyed by all present.
In April, Dr Colonel Roy Giles CBE presented a personal view with great passion of his dangerous and hugely challenging experiences over a number of tours patrolling in East Germany during the height of the cold war as part of the work of BRIXMIS, the British Military liaison mission to the Soviet Army. Interestingly the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum and Army Benevolent Fund co-hosted Major General Peter Williams CMG, OBE a week later as he presented ‘My Life as a Cold War Spy’ using Allied and Stasi (secret police) images to describe his very similar experiences.
In May the club and the RGJ Association hosted a highly successful World War 2 Veterans luncheon with 62 members and guests attending including two honoured combat veterans of the Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry. Lieutenant Colonel Patrick Lawrence TD RAMC presented a most interesting exposé on the development of helicopter evacuation from its early faltering begin- nings to Afghanistan.
Major John Howard DSO and the men of D Company, 2nd Battalion, The Oxford and Bucking- hamshire Light Infantry, were again remembered for their audacious glider–borne attack on two bridges between Bénouville and Ranville on the 6th June, 1944 at a graveside wreath laying ceremony on the same day in Clifton Hampden, Oxfordshire by members of the Club and the RGJ Association. The annual 43rd & 52nd Regimental Officers and Ladies luncheon continues to be very well subscribed with a solid body of members and their ladies attending the event on the 21st June. All were fascinated to listen to a talk by Captain Nick Haynes on the “The 52nd at Waterloo”. The event was also an oppor- tunity to dine out and to bid farewell to Mr Mike Marr on his well-deserved retirement and to thank him for his commitment and diligence over many years of service. Mr Marr was presented with a framed copy
of a water-colour of Cowley Barracks from a cohort of most grateful members and their guests.
In September, General Sir Robert Pascoe KCB MBE will talk on his research surrounding the life and times of Sir John Colborne of Waterloo fame. At the October luncheon, Lieutenant Colonel Ingram Murray TD will present his latest research on the possible identity of a Great War, Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire Light Infantry officer whose remains were found in a garden in Henin-sur-Cojeul, France in 2013. Potentially, he could be a direct descendent of Wordsworth, the poet.
Riflemen continue to gather with their colleagues from the Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars in the Regimental Chapel within Christ Church, Oxford to remember the fallen of the two world wars at the monthly Turning of the Pages ceremony.
There is some uncertainty about the future viability of the club with the closure of the Rifles Oxford Office but plans are advancing for the 2019 programme and we look forward to the Club continuing to grow and contribute towards maintaining the high profile of the Regiment in our two counties.
Major (Retd ) Tom Shannon TD PhD
RGBW Officers Salisbury Lunch
On Saturday 7th July, on a glorious summer’s day, this annual lunch was held in The Wardrobe garden in Salisbury. Once again we were delighted to welcome General Sir Kevin O’Donoghue and his wife Jean, and Major General Derek Crabtree and Daphne; and we were particularly pleased to see Bill Vallis and Denis Waters, two stalwarts of the 4th Wiltshires, in attendance for the first time.
In spite of the hot weather, the closure of the Rifles County office [Salisbury], and the novichok problems, a total of 94 sat down to an excellent lunch. Those present included John and Valerie Biggs, Richard Butt and Helen Shayle, Simon Cook, Michael Cornwell, Graham and Florence Coxon, Andy Crocker, Mike and Rachel Curtis, Terry Daly, James & Imogen Dessain, Mike and Margaret Draper, Piers Dunn, Jo and Monica Edmonds, Paul and Sue Flavell, Dick Foster accompanied by Veronica Wilson, Estelle Gerrett, Mike and Sue Godwin, Simon and Louise Gray, Philip Hall accompanied by Sandra Hopwood, John and Angela Hathaway, Rob Hiles, Basil and Molly Hobbs, Andrew & Imogen Jarrold, Sue Kenway, Jan King, Peter and Maureen Lawrie, Martin Lee-Browne, John and Celia Marsh, Philip and Azalea Mayhew, Norman Minty, Denis and Jinnie Moriarty, Doug Mortimer, Peter and Jackie Mullings, Christopher Newbould, David Newton, Tim and Mandy O’Hare , Colin and Katheryn Parslow, John and Betty Peters, David and Anya Proctor, Clive and Clare Rendell, Fleur Robbins, Pauline Rose, John and Eileen Silvester, Ian Spence, Andrew and Caroline Standen-McDougal, David and Prue Stone, Jeremy and Charlie Tozer, Colin and Jill Tremellen, Bill and Hilary Vallis, Richard and Veronica Vaughan-Payne, John & Rita Venus, Mike and Liz Vernon-Powell, Jonathan Vernon-Powell, Philippa Vernon-Powell, Russ and Jane Wardle, Denis and Shamin Waters with his sister Jean Barlow, William and Emma Wilson, and Jon and Sue Wort.
By all accounts, this was a lunch enjoyed by all with good food, a drink or two, a splendid turnout in a wonderful setting. This was probably the last occasion on which the catering was done by Bernières; Malcolm and Allison retire on a high and it was very much appreciated by those present.
Thanks are due once again to Nigel Walker for making it all happen, in spite of being AWOL on the day due to Wimbledon duties. The Lunch next year will be held on Saturday 13th July 2019. As always, any Royal Berkshire, Wiltshire, GLOSTERS & DERR, and RGBW officers will be most welcome. IGS