Page 220 - The Bugle 2018
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                                 Rifle Brigade Memorial
Just inside the West Entrance to Winchester Cathedral, on the wall of the northern aisle, is the Rifle Brigade memorial window and below it, the Roll of Fame. Here are the names of all those who have added glory to the Regiment’s name including 27 Riflemen who have been awarded the Victoria Cross. Last November a new name was added to the Roll: Major TA Bird.
his anti-tank company defeated Rommel’s armoured counter-attack during the Second Battle of El Alamein at Snipe, for which he was awarded an immediate DSO. He had already been awarded two MCs for leading fighting patrols in the desert. His name on the Roll of Fame joins that of his commanding officer, Vic Turner, who was awarded the VC and Sergeant Calliston DCM whose coolness under fire accounted for a great number of the enemy tanks and armoured vehicles destroyed by the company. Tom Bird died on 9th August 2017
  Tom Bird was a Rifleman of excep-
tional courage. As Company Commander
of S Company 2nd Bn The Rifle Brigade,   aged 98. His obituary is included in this report.
1A Iverna Gardens, Kensington - A potted history – The new home of the Rifles (London Office) and Bn HQ 7 Rifles
On 23 January 2018 the London Office of The Rifles moved from 56 Davies Str in Mayfair W1 to 1a Iverna Gardens the original ancestral home of “The Kensington Rifles” in Kensington W8.
“The Kensington’s” were raised in 1860 by Lord Truro. They became established in Kensington in 1885 at Adam and Eve Mews and Iverna Gardens, off High Street, Kensington. The original subtitle, “West London Rifles”, was altered in 1905 to, “The Kensington Rifles”, when the Regiment was adopted by the Royal Borough of Kensington and granted permission for the cap badge to be made up of the Coat of Arms of the Royal Borough, mounted centrally upon an eight-pointed star. 13th London Regiment was the short title after the formation of the Territorials in 1908 and from October 1914, the title was 13th Princess Louise’s Kensington (PLK) Battalion, the London Regiment and carries on today through 41 (PLK) Signal Sqn (V), now located elsewhere in London. The Kensing- ton’s war memorial bearing the names of the 1,324
officers and men who were killed in the First and Second World Wars is located in the library of the Kensington Town Hall.
The funding for the Drill Hall came by subscrip- tions from the Kensington’s Officers in 1885. The building was designed by Fred J Hopkins and the commemorative stone was laid by Colonel Somers- Lewis and his wife and can be seen at the Adam and Eve Mews (back) entrance to the ARC. The building has a unique roof which is one of two examples left in the country of “Victorian Plank Work”. Mapping of the area Circa 1850 shows a militia training area surrounded by green fields, a complete contrast to what is here today.
The Royal Navy took over the building in 1945 and used the premises as their recruiting centre for London as well as a base for the Navy Provost Staff. Up until a recent £2.5million refurbishment the basement contained cells for detaining AWOL sailors found in London. On completion of the refur- bishment in 2004 the building was taken over by B Det 256 (City of London) Field Hospital.
On arrival in January we were joined by Bn HQ 7 RIFLES. At the time of writing we and Bn HQ 7 RIFLES are currently co-located (rather tightly) with B Det 256 Fd Hospital, a detachment of RAF Air Trg Cadets, a detachment of Metropolitan Police Cadets and a Army Cadet Force detachment.
The front entrance of the ARC, in the tree lined Iverna Gardens, lies between two upmarket Victorian red brick Mansion blocks all of which have highly polished brass door handles and railings(!) whilst the back entrance is at the southern end of the rather exclusive Adam and Eve Mews W8. The nearest Tube Station is High Street Kensington on the Circle and District Line. It is then a 5-minute walk to 1a Iverna Gardens.
J-D v M
       Adam & Eve Mews W8 back entrance
 1a Iverna Gardens W8 front entrance

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