Page 24 - The Bugle 2018
P. 24
Serjeants’ Mess
2018 has seen a lot of changes in the Sjts’ Mess with new promotions and postings changing its overall look but the solid foundations it is built on haven’t changed. The handover of RSMs was a key event post Kenya with a warm felt farewell and best wishes for the future going out to WO1 Maz Marriot as he departs for civilian life.
Once the Battalion had recovered from the heat of Kenya we managed to relax into a short period of calm before the Companies started to deploy on their own individual overseas exercises so the opportunity was grasped firmly to enjoy a bit of social bonding for the Mess.
The festivities started with the Warrant Officers rolling out for the evening wrapped in the standard issue tweed and flap caps for “an evening with Boyce” in Newport, then came the dine out of WO1 Marriot closely followed by a joint dine in /dine out of WO1 McCutcheon and WO2 Squires respectively,
the Battalion losing WO2 Squires on retirement but Gloucester gaining FTRS Captain Squires; best of luck for the future “Sir”, I never thought I would ever say those words with you in mind.
The World Cup has been the main social focal point with WO2 Coleman ably assisted by the PEC CSjt Cooper setting up the only other man-made structure to be visible from space and calling it a TV. Most notably was the group England vs Belgium match where the Sjts’ Mess hosted the Officers’ Mess post a “Friendly” cricket game (OC A Coy might not agree to how friendly it was following his broken nose) in which to their credit the Officers’ Mess did win the Cricket so stand by for the Autumn when the Sjts’ Mess come back at them with the inter Mess football.
The Summer ball this year was hosted on Saturday 7 July and had a fairground theme helped in no short mark by the weather. It was a resounding success with great food, good music and a light atmosphere, we even managed to squeeze in the England game so winner all round and a massive thank you to CSjt Cooper, CSjt Field and CSjt Haywood for bringing it all together.
The Autumn promises to see more changes in the Mess with fresh blood from the promotions boards filtering up and new challenges, who knows we might even squeeze in a social or two.
WO1 McCutcheon PMC
Corporals’ Mess
The First Battalion have had a very busy 2018 thus far. Between Ex ASKARI STORM and Companies on various exercises the Cpls’ Mess has had little time to form as a Mess but when we have we have done it in style. One such event for the JNCOs of the Battalion to enjoy was the Summer Mess function on 12th July. Here 1st Battalion JNCOs and their guests enjoyed a very exciting Viking themed function with range of shows, stands and competitions for all to enjoy. This included axe throwing with civilian instructors overseeing the safety and competency of the throwers, and professional fire dancers for after dark hours’ entertainment.
A full hog roast was cooked on the spit which members and guests did not hesitate to tuck in to, as well as having live music performed in and amongst the main events.
1 RIFLES are looking to promote the Mess culture and host several smaller events throughout the Autumn calendar including the welcomes for those successful on the FTCC recently ran at 2 RIFLES and some low-key events ranging from pub quizzes to movie nights, all leading to the main event of the year the Christmas ball.
Cpl Clarke Vice PMC
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