Page 59 - The Bugle 2018
P. 59
Combined Arms Staff Training
The excitement of the Monday night Hull to Rotterdam ferry marked the start of 3 RIFLES’ CAST experience. Scare stories abounded on the journey of 48-hour planning cycles, minimal sleep and exhausted staff delivering slurred backbriefs, followed by chastening and brutal After Action Reviews. Thankfully, the Army has moved on somewhat from this approach and CAST was to prove a rewarding, valuable and (say it quietly) enjoyable experience for all those who deployed.
A number of planning cycles conducted in Edinburgh in the months before deployment set the tone for how ‘the tent’ would function. The Commanding Officer emphasised both the need for a collaborative ethos underpinned by a ‘light touch’ and sense of humour, and also the importance of an agile approach in which an 80% completed plan on time was more important than a 100% solution delivered late. This was to prove particularly important during the 4-hour planning cycles that we were asked to complete as part of 1 Brigade’s ongoing Strike experimentation.
Following our arrival in Sennelager, the first week of the exercise saw the BGHQ conduct practice planning cycles in order to refine its procedures, whilst those deployed as LOCONs got to grips with the simulation technology and made the most of
the glorious German
sunshine. Friday saw the issuing of the first FragO from 1 Brigade before – shock! – we were given the weekend off, ready to continue planning on Monday morning. Needless to say, all ranks made the most of the opportunity, with some of the Riflemen making their way to Dortmund and trips by the more junior members of the Officers’ Mess to Cologne and Berlin.
Resuming play on Monday, BGHQ conducted a series of 4 and 8 hour planning cycles over the course of the second week, each focused on a specific STRIKE action or concept. The exercise was well delivered by CAST, who were supportive and helpful throughout. On completion of the exercise, the Battlegroup was given an excellent report by CAST. This was a testament to the hard work of all those who deployed, from the outgoing Battalion 2IC to the Riflemen of CIS Platoon. All in all, an enjoyable and rewarding two weeks which should stand the headquarters in good stead for Ex WESSEX STORM.
Capt Will Jackson
Intelligence Officer
The Intelligence Officer briefs the Commanding Officer during a planning cycle on CAST
The Rehearsal of Concept Drill following orders on CAST