Page 77 - The Bugle 2018
P. 77

                                   marksmanship that we had conducted in the UK with an array of superb ranges, creating some healthy competition between the Teams (including our Royal Marine brothers) and company HQ. GPMGs, LMGs, sharpshooter rifles, grenades, and claymores were utilised to add even more realism to a stimulating live fire package. This phase of Ex MAYAN STORM climaxed with a first light live Company attack onto an enemy objective, which showed the company ready and primed for the 9 day FTX.
Working as a company but with teams operating at reach, intelligence on the enemy was built up over time in order to facilitate simultaneous attacks onto enemy positions, weakening their morale and effectiveness. The FTX was challenging, whether it was finding a water source due to planned G4 constraints or navigating the close country tropical environment to find, fix, defeat or capture the enemy. The final extraction found R Coy, along with C Coy, 1 SCOTS, Royal Marine elements and attachments enjoying a dip in the ‘Rio on Pools’ waterfalls before returning to camp.
A quick turnaround back in Price Barracks, saw the Teams re-deploy for the final phase of the deployment. The partnering phase allowed
the teams to again deploy at reach, this time for 2 weeks, across Belize and for some to Antigua and Barbados, to organise and run a variety of training packages to different audiences. Some helped the Belize Defence Force deliver a JNCO cadre, others taught urban operations, disaster relief, conducted range packages and more. We delivered what we assessed our partner force required or what they requested.
The humility, experience and instructional quality of the hand-picked SPECINF riflemen, proved exceptional in the planning and delivery of training, as well as the success of the 28 day jungle exercise, which earnt them a well-deserved and long-awaited R&R. Overall, an UNBELIZEABLE and rewarding experience!
Lt A Raymond
Team 10 Commander
Representative Coy learn how to survive in the jungle
        THE RIFLES

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