Page 10 - Oundle Life September 2023
P. 10

World Championships
       The World Conker Championships looks forward to another cracking year, and to welcome the new landlord and landlady at The Shuckburgh Arms in Southwick where the event is held.
Last year’s event was wonderful: the sun shone and the crowds came out in force to see the new World Champion Randy Topolski from Canada, beat the Women’s World Champion and local favourite Fee Aylmore, in the Grand Final.
Fee from Warmington said: “I have been trying to win this for 34 years. I have really developed my technique over time and was over the moon to become World Champion at last.”
A wide range of various ‘types’ take part, including Chelsea Pensioners, Cavaliers, and many others in fancy dress.
This year’s event on the 8th of October is expected to be just as good. If you want to enter before the maximum number of players is reached, you can do that now by going to compete/register/player-registration/
Places for players who have to withdraw are sold on the day, but these are very few in number. If you’re coming to watch it starts at 10.30am, and there is also a junior (childrens)
competition to enter on the day. There is lots of entertainment, food and stalls, including The Sealed Knot, jugglers and fairground rides.
Did you know that around 3,000 conkers
are drilled for the Championships? They are selected from just a few special trees, although donations of conkers are always welcome. They should be of good size (although not too large because they are easier to break), spherical, with no flat edges or blemishes, and freshly fallen, not picked from the tree.
Former double World Champion Jasmine Tetley offers some tips:
• Use the full length of the string when holding
for your opponent, and hold it loosely to
relieve tension
• Stand with your back to sun
• Don’t play with a conker which is dark in
colour, as it will be riper and softer
The championships started in 1965 and (with the exception of a couple of years for COVID and a gale) has been running ever since.
 We are always looking for helpers, on the day, or to join the committee. Get in touch at

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