Page 24 - Oundle Life September 2023
P. 24

                                  Over the last year the Brownies and Guides have helped to raise money for the Oundle Foodbank, been canoeing on the river, learnt First Aid skills, cooked on campfires, visited the local allotments, created art for the Oundle Horticultural Show and much more.
As part of their ‘Take Action’ theme Oundle Brownies learned about the Food Bank and then worked in groups to come up with fundraising ideas. They made posters and gathered sponsorship, raising over £600, and received a certificate of thanks from the Foodbank as well as gaining their Charities badge.
The Guides had an evening on the river with Nene Extreme and learned how to make stretchers. They are also looking forward to their annual camp where they will pitch their own tents, learn how to cook on open fires and take part in lots of fun activities.
1st Polebrook Brownies have enjoyed working towards a nature badge, carrying out many different fun activities to learn more about the environment. Learning about recycling, making bug hotels, finding out about bees that make the Polebrook honey as well as a visit to the Polebrook Allotment.
   Being involved in Girlguiding is a great way to build confidence and learn new skills. If you would like to know more check out:
Unfortunately, we no longer have any Girlguiding units in Kingscliffe. We would love to find some willing volunteers to get involved and re-start the units there. If you think you might be able to help please email

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