Page 36 - Oundle Life September 2023
P. 36

Why are we reintroducing beavers? As a keystone species present in ever increasing numbers within the country there is significant existing scientific research showing the positive impacts of beavers on wetlands. At Delta Pit the presence of beavers will complement and reduce the need for the existing site management by staff and contractors in the removal of willow growth around the lake edges, restoring areas
of reedbed and diversifying the marginal vegetation through foraging behaviours. This will benefit the wetland birds, for which the site is designated a SSSI, by creating more roosting and feeding habitat as well as other wildlife such as invertebrates and bats.
Releasing a family of beavers into one of our most public destination reserves will provide a unique opportunity for people to observe this iconic species, allowing for significant public engagement both on beavers and their ecology and the wider work of the Trust.
Why Nene Wetlands? We had a feasibility study conducted by the Beaver Trust, and Delta Pit was chosen as the most ecologically suitable site. Given it is already fenced off with no public access to provide a refuge for waterbirds and other wildlife, there should be less disturbance than other parts of the Nene Valley.
Safe enclosure: The beaver fencing that will be installed is to an exact specification from
Natural England that has been agreed following a full site survey with any risks appropriately considered, making sure we keep the beavers safe and that they don’t escape. All stock gates will be designed to an approved beaver proof specification.
What do they eat? Contrary to popular belief, beavers only eat plants – not just trees but brambles and other plants too. They’re big fans of Himalayan balsam, an invasive non-native species that can spread easily and become problematic for our native wildflowers.
Will they destroy trees and will they build
a dam? They don’t kill or destroy trees, they coppice them. These grow back and provide more spaces for wildlife. Beavers are often known as eco-engineers. They are only doing what our rangers would be doing on our wetland reserve to provide the best habitat for wildlife, but beavers do it far better!
They are unlikely to build dams in Delta Lake: beavers usually build dams in rivers to create lagoons in which they can better protect themselves from predators and in which they often build their family lodges which are accessed from underwater. The ideal depth of water a beaver seems to seek behind any dam is around 70cm (28”) so they will probably feel no need to dam here.
  Image credit: © David Parkyn
Image credit: © Nick Upton

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