Page 16 - Engage Summer 2024
P. 16

      “You are not alone” –
Community Responders
supporting older people
across Northamptonshire
Who are we and what do we do?
Community Responders is funded
by the NHS through Integrated Care Northamptonshire and we work in partnership with Serve supporting Northamptonshire befriending services. The service operates with a team of friendly, compassionate volunteers across the county Monday to Friday.
We accept referrals from Emergency and Primary care services in Northamptonshire, supporting them to meet the social needs of older people and prevent unnecessary admissions to A&E where there is no medical treatment required.
Upon referral, a local volunteer will visit you at home for up to two hours. Our volunteers offer compassionate reassurance and low-level support. This could be anything from a welfare check following an unsettling event or to offer companionship when there is a wait for the next part of your care support to arrive. Our volunteers are there to be a much needed “friendly face” when family or friends are not available during your time of need.
After our volunteer has visited you,
our service coordinator who works in collaboration with social, health and voluntary sector care partners will have
a conversation with the volunteer. This identifies any needs that may have
been discussed or highlighted during
the visit, such as loneliness, a change in circumstances, health or mobility which will require a follow up call. The follow up call gives you the opportunity to discuss any
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current or emerging needs. We will take the time to arrange referrals to countywide services so that people get the support they need to continue living safe and as well as possible at home.
Mr D says “The volunteer took his time and was in no hurry to get away. He was very clear about why he was here for me. Really great.”
Following our visit which required a call back, Mr D is now being supported by
Age UK Northamptonshire who will carry out a free benefit check and an assessment for a cleaner as Mr D has been struggling with his mobility for some time.
  We’re recruiting volunteers for this service.
Company, reassurance and low-level social support when needed.
        If you would like to volunteer as a Community Responder we would love to hear from you. Please email or visit our website for more information.

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