Page 158 - The Royal Lancers Chapka 2018
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 General Sir James Everard KCB, CBE
Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe
 Brigadier JNE Buczacki Brigadier KD Shearifi OBE Colonel NJ Best OBE
Colonel RO Slack OBE Lieutanant Colonel C Badcock
Lieutanant Colonel JBT Bigg Lieutanant Colonel AC Brodey Lieutanant Colonel JA Farrer Lieutanant Colonel DM Goggs Lieutanant Colonel TSD Lyle Lieutanant Colonel TJGS Purbrick OBE Lieutanant Colonel AEB Simpson Lieutanant Colonel NRE Woolgar MBE Major DT Barrington Barnes
Major AJ Champion Major PC Evans
Major NA Foot-Tapping Major JEJ Fuller
Major EJ Minards
Major MP Morrissey MBE Major RA O’Shea
Major HR Semken
Major MHJ Woodward Captain JP Cowie
Captain CM Guest
Captain AJ Meeke
Captain GEG Moon QGM Captain AJ Purbrick
Captain FWH Taylor-Dickson Captain A Walsh
Commander 1 ISR Brigade
Head Concepts, Defence Concepts and Doctrine Centre
Assistant Head Plans, Ground Manoeuvre, Capability Directorate, Army Headquarters
Student, Higher Command and Staff Course
SO1 Future Force Development Innovation, Capability Directorate, Army Headquarters
Student, Advanced Command and Staff Course
SO1 Strategic Engagement, Joint Force Command Brunssum
SO1 Canadian Staff College
SO1 Operations, Collective Training Group
SO1 Plans, C4ISTAR, Information Directorate, Army Headquarters Commander, Cultural Property Protection Unit
SO1 Land Systems, Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
SO1 Policy Headquarters ARMCEN
SO2 Training Development, Mission Training and Mobilisation Centre SO2 G3, Headquarters Force Troops Command
SO2 G5, Headquarters 4 Infantry B
Chief of Staff, Headquarters Operation TANGHAM
SO2 Recce, Field Training Unit
2IC 663 Squadron, 3 Regiment Army Air Corps
Military Assistant to Chief of Staff, Field Army
Student, Intermediate Command and Staff Course (Land)
SO2 J5, Joint Forces Command
Officer Commanding C Squadron, Household Cavalry Regiment
SO3 Armoured Close Recce, RATD
Adjutant, The Royal Yeomanry
SO3 G3, Headquarters ARRC
Full Time Masters Degree, London University
SO3 Communications and Information Systems, ARMCEN
Executive Officer, The Queens Own Yeomanry
Troop Leader, Army Foundation College (Harrogate)
Brigadier RB Nixon-Eckersall
Deputy Military Representative, NATO
Colonel DM Bennett
Liaison Officer, Oman
Colonel MJ Mudd DSO
Military Assistant to Chief of the General Staff
Colonel M Todd MBE
Full time PhD Studies
Lieutanant Colonel KL Bannister
SO1 UK Defence Academy
Lieutanant Colonel CJ Blakey
SO1 Training Operations Oman
Lieutanant Colonel SP Doherty
SO1 Infantry, British Military Mission Saudi Arabia
Lieutanant Colonel ANB Foden DSO MBE
SO1 Army Organisation, Strategy Directorate, Army Headquarters
Lieutanant Colonel JE Lance
Student, Advanced Command and Staff Course
Lieutanant Colonel ERJ Mack
SO1 Land, British Military Mission Kuwait
Lieutanant Colonel WJR Richmond
Placement with the Royal Bank Of Scotland
Lieutanant Colonel RGJ Watson
SO1 Assessor, Army Officer Selection Board
Lieutanant Colonel MMR Woolley
Chief J5 Plans, Headquarters MONUSCO
Major TJ Burwell
Student, Intermediate Command and Staff Course (Land)
Major JF Dart
Defence Attaché, Belarus
Major EGA Faulkner
Student, Intermediate Command and Staff Course (Land)
Major HH Fowler
Officer Commanding Recce Wing, RATD
Major AJ Horsfall
Major WJ Minards
2IC Royal Scots Dragoon Guards
Major JON Mossop
SO2 J5 Plans, PJHQ (UK)
Major TE Prideau
XSO2 Infra Delivery, Defence Basing and Infrastructure
Major HG Simpson
SO2 G5, Headquarters 1 Armoured Infantry Brigade
Captain MV Barnes
SO3 G3 Training, Headquarters 3 Commando Brigade
Captain RF Gouldstone
Officer Commanding Royal Lancers’ Tactical Air Control Party
Captain ER Luke
Aide-de-Camp, DSACEUR
Captain EGC Monckton
Equerry to HRH the Duke of York
Captain TCI Pritchard
SO3 Army Organisation, Strategy Directorate, Army Headquarters
Captain HA Richardson
SO3 Operations and Deployments, Headquarters 101 Logistics Brigade
Captain MJ Vowles
Operations Officer, The Royal Dragoon Guards
Captain T Wythe
Group Leader, Army Officers Selection Board
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