Page 49 - QARANC Vol 14 No 7 2013
P. 49

                                Welsh Branch
    Chairman: Miss Nora Starkey Secretary: Mrs Rosy Hubbard
Our AGM was held in March at 203 (Welsh) Field Hospital and was well attended by 18 members.
This year it was followed by an interesting talk by Lt Col Caroline Whittaker, OC Nursing Squadron, 203 Field Hospital about her experiences in Afghanistan. This was followed by a buffet lunch.
We now have 63 Branch Members.
One of our more senior ladies, Vera Vaughan, was pleased to receive her telegram from the Queen on reaching her 100 years in December. Although she is unable to attend events, Vera still regularly communicates with the Branch by letter.
Another member, Betty Taylor, also reached the grand age of 95. Betty regularly joins us on our outings.
Wales Festival of
On November 3rd Association members and guests enjoyed a wonderful evening of entertainment at
the Wales Festival of Remembrance, at St David’s Hall, Cardiff.
We were treated to special performances by violinist Jamie Hutchinson and soprano soloist Gail Pearson, whilst the Masse Male Choir, made up of 14 different choirs treated us to a truly Welsh vocal feast.
We also enjoyed, as usual, an amazing performance from The Regimental Band and Corps of Drums of The Royal Welsh.
Special guest, Des O’Connor, rounded up the first half of the evening,
taking us down memory lane with his much loved songs and humour.
During the second half, it was with pride that we watched Maj Kip Hall QARANC(V) parade the Branch Standard, culminating in the very poignant moment when poppies drifted from the ceiling.
Christmas Lunch
This is always a popular event & the opportunity for members to “catch up”! As usual we filled a room in Radyr Golf Club with 33 members who enjoyed a traditional Christmas lunch.
Corps Day
The Branch celebrated QARANC Corps Day over the weekend 23 - 24 March with 203 (Welsh) Field Hospital. The celebrations started with a Regimental Dinner on the Saturday evening, followed by a church service on Sunday. The theme was QAs through the ages and members of 203 dressed themselves in QA uniforms of times gone by. We were also treated to a beautiful harp rendition by one of our younger members, Bethan Hughes. This was followed by curry lunch.
Physic Gardens,
It was another rainy day in Wales, but some of our members braved the elements and had an interesting tour around the gardens. They were shown which plants were used in various healing remedies and potions. Lunch followed in a local hostelry, The Quarterpenny.
We look forward to a busy summer in the sunshine.
Rosy Hubbard, Hon Branch Secretary
  Armed Forces Day
On June 29 a few Branch Members attended this prestigious event, which started with a parade in the sunshine through Cardiff City Centre, followed by a Drum Head Service in the grounds close to Cardiff Castle. The Branch Standard was carried by Maj Kipp Hall.
A buffet lunch was enjoyed in the veteran’s marquee, after which there were various activities, some of which included a display by the Royal signals Motorbike Team, Sea Cadet gun drill races and semaphore.

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