Page 5 - QARANC Vol 14 No 7 2013
P. 5
Editor’s report
Judging by the amount of articles and information I have received for inclusion into the Gazette Units, Branches and individuals have been very busy.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to submit and thank you for some very entertaining and interesting pieces. I am sorry but I have had to save some articles for the spring edition and some articles have been abridged, if you would like to read the entire article please do not hesitate to contact me.
It is great to see the retired association members working together with the serving member’s, there have clearly been some good days out had by all.
All serving members should remember that the AGM is open to all serving and retired association members, it is good to hear first hand what happens with the subscriptions and donations that are made, it is also a very nice day out
in London reacquainting yourself with old colleagues and meeting new friends, The meal is always pretty good too, hope to see more serving members next year.
Don’t forget the AMS museum it is always worth a visit and if you are interested in ensuring it is well maintained and that the move when it happens is smooth why not volunteer to join the Friends of the Museum or become an active member they are looking for a secretary
Congratulations to Lt Col Andrea Lewis RRC, Col Sylvia Quayle OBE and Maj Sharon Beattie ARRC on their honours.
I would like to say goodbye to Col Pete and Bridget (happy retirement!) and welcome to our new Director Col David
Thanks again to Heather for your support in getting this edition to the publisher and thank you to Alison Spiers who has helped proofread some articles.
Front cover picture:
Cpl Teale being presented his Commendation for distinguished service in Afghanistan (H17) by Lt Col Andy Day CO MDHU FPH
Forthcoming events
Director Army Nursing Service Symposium
The proposed date for the next Director Army Nursing Service Symposium is 15th and 16th May 2014.
This event is open to QARANC Regular, Reserve and Association Members. Further details will be promulgated from SO1 Nursing in due course.
Annual General Meeting of the QARANC Association
Notice is hearby given that the 66th Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 1145 am on Saturday 17 May 2014 at the Carisbrook Hall, The Victory Services Club (VSC), Seymour Street, London, W2 2HF to transact the following business:
1. Notice convening the meeting.
2. Confirmation of Minutes of the 65th Meeting held on
18 May 2013.
3. Matters arising from the Minutes.
4. Chairman’s Annual Report.
5. Presentation of Accounts for 2013 & Treasurers Report
6. Report on Investment Portfolio by Mr Mike Adler
Independent Services Agency Ltd.
7. Benevolence Report.
8. Any Other Business.
9. DANS update on present & future Corps developments.
10. Date of next Annual General Meeting.
Annual Reunion 17 May 2014
The 66th Annual Reunion will be held on Saturday 17 May 2014 at the Carisbrook Hall, The Victory Services Club,
Seymour Street, London W2 2HF following the AGM.
Please complete the tear-out form enclosed at the rear of the gazette and send with a cheque for £30.00 per person, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope to: General Secretary, QARANC Association, Regimental Headquarters, Former Army Staff College, Slim Road, Camberley Surrey GU15 4NP. The closing date for tickets will be 25 April 2014.
The Victory services Club is situated near Marble Arch. QARANC Association Members can apply for Club Membership if they wish to book accommodation for their visit to London. For application membership please apply direct to the Secretary VSC (address as above).
QARANC Ceremony of Turning
the Pages
The Ceremony of Turning the pages of the QARANC Memorial Book takes place four times a year at the Royal Garrison Church of All Saints Aldershot. The ceremony honours those who have given their lives in the service of their country. The ceremony party is comprised of QARANC regular, reserve or retired officers and Soldiers. Members of the QARANC are encouraged to support this event. In 2014 the ceremony will take place on:
Sunday 23 March – Corps Day/Sunday Service Sunday 8 June – Sunday Service
Sunday 7 September – Sunday Service Sunday 2 November – Sunday service
Timings to be confirmed. Further information can be sought from the Regimental Secretary by phone 01276 412754 or by email