Page 34 - Microsoft Word - District Handbook 2019-20 Final 6.10.19.docx
P. 34

Controlled substances will be dispensed from the office or designated area by the school nurse or designated staff member. It shall be the responsibility of the student in grades six through twelve to come to the designated area to take the medication.
2. Students in grades six through twelve with asthma or allergies may carry and self-administer emergency medication. Kansas law states that this self-administration policy requires written parent and health care provider signature specifying the name and purpose of medication, prescribed dosage, conditions under which the medication is to be self-administered and verification that the student has been instructed in self-administration, etc. The “USD 409 Self-Administration of Medication” form is available in the school office or may be downloaded from the school’s website, and must be on file in the school office. The pharmacy label will serve as the health care provider’s written order and purpose for prescription medication. Possession of a health care provider’s order for prescription medication that has been filled by a pharmacy shall constitute demonstration to a health care provider or provider’s designee. The school nurse will verify on one occasion the student’s correct understanding and technique.
3. Over-the-counter medications (Tylenol, ibuprofen, cough drops, etc.) and prescription medications that are not controlled substances may be carried and self-administered by students in grades six through twelve with written parent permission. Parents are asked to notify the school office/school nurse of any medication their student will be taking at school and to complete the self-administration of medication form. Parents are asked to send (in the original container) no more than one or two days supply of medication to school to be self-administered.
4. Written authorization from the student’s parent for use of any self-carried medications shall verify that the student;
a. Knows the prescribed or recommended dosage;
b. Knows the time the medication is to be regularly administered;
c. Is able to articulate any additional special circumstances under which the medication is to be administered;
d. Knows the length of time for which the medication is prescribed;
5. USD 409 assumes no responsibility for medication that is self-administered by a student.
Employee Immunity
Every effort will be made to notify all teachers responsible for the student’s supervision that permission to carry prescription medications and self-administer has been granted. The school district shall provide written notification to the parent or guardian of a student that the school district and its officers, employees, and agents are not liable for damage, injury, or death resulting directly or indirectly from the self-administration of medication.
Waiver of Liability
The student’s parent or guardian shall sign a statement acknowledging that the school district and its officers, employees, or agents incur no liability for damage, injury, or death resulting directly or indirectly from the self- administration of medication and agreeing to release, indemnify, and hold the district and its officers, employees, and agents, harmless from and against any claims relating to the self-administration of medication allowed by this policy.
The district assumes no responsibility for any medication taken in any district facility; in school vehicles; at school-sponsored activities, programs, or events and on school owned or operated property, that does not conform to this policy.

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