Page 5 - Microsoft Word - Activities Handbook 2019-20 Final 6.10.19.docx
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Eligibility to participate in extracurricular activities is a privilege, which is attained by meeting the following standards. Only by abiding by all of these standards can you be considered eligible to take part in extracurricular activities.
1. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of five new subjects, not previously passed, be a full time student and meet the KSHSAA requirements.
2. High School students must pass a minimum of six (6) classes in a semester in order to participate in extra-curricular activities the next semester. Middle School students must pass a minimum of five (5) classes in a semester in order to participate in extra-curricular activities the next semester.
3. Students with two (2) failing grades on the Needs Improvement Report will be given a one week probationary period for AMS and a two week probationary period for AHS in which to improve their grade to passing. Students must attend Redmen Time (AHS) or ICE (AMS) during the week in the classes they are failing. If a student appears on the report the following week with 2 failing grades, then they will be ineligible for the week. They may continue to practice, but may not participate in games/competitions/events.
Attendance Requirements
1. School Attendance: Games/Performance Events
A. In order for student to participate in games or performance events, the student-athlete must be
present for the full school day.
B. Extenuating circumstances will be considered by the administration.
2. Practices/Rehearsals Attendance
A. In order for a student to participate in practice/rehearsal, they must be present for the last 4
hours of the school day.
i. Unexcused Absences – three unexcused absences will result in the student being
dismissed from the team. Absences will be considered unexcused for shopping trips, babysitting, hair appointments, working part-time jobs, or general absences for personal business, which could be taken care of at another time. Absences due to bus suspensions and school office referrals will be considered unexcused.
ii. Excused Absences – be advised that being absent from practice, even for excused absences, often impacts individual playing time. The following absences may be excused: illness or injury, doctor appointments (may require a doctor’s note), religious reasons, family emergencies, death in the family, or reasons approved by the principal. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the coach with a note from a parent or doctor to excuse an absence. Extenuating circumstances will be considered by the administration.
3. Missing Games/Performance Events
A. It is the coach/sponsor and Activities Director’s discretion on whether a participant that has
received the consequence of missing a game will travel with the team and sit on the bench, or any other area designated for the team, for that game. For the purpose of these rules, a game is defined as the length of competition normally played on one date. A game in track would be one entire meet and a game in volleyball would be one entire match. A two-day event, such as wrestling or track meets, will be considered as one game.
B. It is the sponsor and Activities Director’s discretion on whether a participant that has received the consequence of missing a performance event will travel with the performing group and sit in a designated area for that performance event. For the purpose of these rules, a performance event is defined as the length of a competition or performance event normally completed on one date.