Page 7 - Test 1
P. 7

 Alcohol, Drugs, & Substance Use
Research from the Washington State Department of Health shows that teen alcohol use is at an all-time low and the percentage of teens reporting cigarette use is half of what it was a decade ago. On the other hand, vaping rates have increased significantly and many people are uninformed about the health risks. - WA STATE HEALTHY YOUTH SURVEY 2018
For more information on drugs and alcohol and how they affect your brain and body, check to the National Institute on Drug Abuse for Teens at
Signs that someone’s substance use may be a problem:
• Drinking to forget something in your life or past
• Seeking out alcohol/ drugs when you’re feeling down or worried
• Can’t sleep or wake up without
• a drink or drug
• Having trouble maintaining relationships, hobbies, or activities
• Having thoughts of suicide
• Having a hard time managing stress without alcohol or drug
In association with the WA recovery Help Line, The Coffee Oasis provides help to teens and young adults struggling with alcohol and drugs.
Call or text “help” to 360.377.5560. Calling is available M-F 9am-5pm an texting is available 24-hours every day.
The Coffee Oasis
(SK) 360.602.0408, (B) 360.377.5560, (NK) 360.598.2901,
Kitsap Mental Health Services
(SK)(B) 360.373.5031, Come Alive Youth Services
(NK) 360.373.5031
Kitsap Needle Exchange Schedule
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