Page 11 - MFB Annual Meeting 2018 Book
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producing food on our farms. By partnering to promote learning in our schools about food production through the FARM mobile science lab. By working with agents through the Michigan Foundation of Agriculture to end hunger in Michigan. While some state Farm Bureaus have given up the opportunity to grow their identity through an insurance affiliate, we have an opportunity to realize the full potential of being a Family of Companies, while strongly and unapologetically advocating for member policy.
Your staff is honored to serve member leaders as you make the decisions necessary to shape the organization now and into the future. The Board of Directors provides strong
and consistent leadership across the family of Companies. We are very proud to have witnessed the hard work and diligent efforts of the MFB State Study Committee as they were provided full information access during their nearly
two years of deliberations. As part of their efforts, they reviewed all programming, met with insurance leadership and learned about other state Farm Bureaus. If at any time your county Farm Bureau would like to learn more about MFB finances, operations and our continued efforts to implement efficiencies, please just give me a call. I enjoy spending time with your Boards (gets me out of the office) and transparency is important.
The strength of the organization is unity in times of uncertainty and change. The best punctuation mark I can offer is the following story. In 2001, the MFB Board convened in October. I was on staff for a little over a year. While I had been consistently impressed by the wisdom of our members to make great decisions, I don’t think I’ll ever forget the Board’s conversation that first day of the meeting. The September 11th attacks had happened and the world had changed. The Board was talking about what, if anything, our organization could do or say. Director Josh Wunsch waited and then authoritatively stated, “We have a new enemy and it is Al Queda.” The
room was quiet and heads nodded. I think everyone in
the room understood at that moment that there was no individual action to take. Instead, a galvanized vigilance and understanding of the perpetuity of change. In preparing for our Centennial, we’ve lost some great friends and leaders. The greatest honor we can offer for their service is to acknowledge we are stronger and better together.
On behalf of your staff, thank you for the blessing of service.
 Scott Piggott, Chief Executive Officer

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