Page 4 - islamic studies agenda
P. 4

 The Quran is the Speech of Allah, and Allaah’s Speech has superiority over the speech of humans just as the Creator has superiority and excellence over His creation; therefore, learning and teaching is better and more virtuous than all other good and virtues deeds.
In short, without a doubt, we should not diminish the significant of learning and teaching knowledge in Islam. And yet it is important to know that not all knowledge is the same. Some parts or branches of knowledge are more significant than others. If this is the case, then there is no doubt that the best and the most superior field and branch study is the Holy Book of Allah (SWT). Therefore, the one who learns and teaches the Glorious Quran is far better than someone who learns and teaches any other field of study or knowledge and therefore, our beloved Prophet (PBUH) said:
“Allaah has His own people among mankind.”
The companions said: “O Messenger of Allah! Who are they?”
He (PBUH) said: “The people of the Quran are the people of Allaah and those who are closest to Him.” (Ibn Majah 215).

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