Page 55 - TES Yearbook 2017-18
P. 55
Milton Qur'an Institute
Instilling Qur'an In Hearts
Milton Qur’an Institute was founded in 2010 as a weekend school specializing in Qur’an & Tajweed. Subsequently, the institute hubs towards enriching individuals by making Qur’an and Islamic studies accessible. Most of our programs offer integrated resources to guide our students towards understanding the matters of deen using Qur’an and sunnah as primary method. We strongly believe that Qur’anic education should be inventive, affordable and comprehensive.
The primary goal of an individual is to attain the pleasure of Allaah which is only achievable if one leads a life adhering to the teachings of the Qur’an and
Year 12B
Sunnah. A life spent according to the commandments of Allaah is a result of understanding and implementing the Qur’an. Hence, through our programs we emphasize on instilling Qur’an in hearts.
The principal objective is to teach the students to recite the Qur’an with correct Makhaarij (Pronunciation) & Tajweed Rules. To achieve this goal, we offer a low student to teacher ratio, with skilled educators. The classes are taught with discipline, hence such trainings inculcate love for learning and reciting the book of Allaah.
Milton Qur’an Institute brings the true teachings of Islam to the Muslim community. Insha’Allaah we incline to nurture in each child a character which encourages good manners & morals and further assists them to make correct decisions enlightened by Islamic wisdom.
Muzzammil Younus