Page 2 - Richemont Healthy Living - Summer 2019
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Dear Colleagues,
Who doesn’t love summertime? Relaxed vibes, longer days, beautiful weather, and more time with family and friends can be fun and exciting. With more time and more relaxing, it’s easy to not make plans and drift through the summer like the waves going in and out. This summer, we encourage you to make little commitments with yourself and others so that you can get
the most out of it! Make specific plans, whether it’s to get out and walk every day at lunch, incorporate fresh produce into your daily diet, or schedule weekend getaways with family and friends. Say it, plan it and then make it happen.
Healthfully yours,
Your Richemont
Benefits Team
Get help with your to-do list!
Convenience Service Referrals
We get that you’re constantly busy with a to-do list that’s a mile long. With CIGNA's Convenience Services Referral program you’ll have quick and convenient access to trusted local resources to assist you with your everyday needs.
Webinar Wednesday
Get the information you need to reach your physical, financial and personal wellbeing goals. Wednesdays @ 2pm ET / 1pm CT / 11am PT
Cigna EAP Webinars.
Visit REACH for event details.
JUl 10: Dreaming of a Good Night’s Sleep. Having trouble getting the sleep you need to feel rested and refreshed? We’ll take a look at factors that can disrupt sleep and how to reclaim your zzzs.
JUL 17: Channeling Your Inner Winner: In the quest for success, we can often be our own worst enemy. Learn about common internal barriers and how you can overcome them.
AUG 7: Living with a Chronic Condition: 60% of Americans live with a chronic illness, such as diabetes, heart disease
or COPD. Explore behavioral strategies that can help you manage.
AUG 21: Estate Planning/Financial Basics: It’s never too early to start thinking about estate planning. Join us to learn about trusts and wills and how they can bring peace of mind.
SEPT 11: Manager’s Guide: Mental Health at Work:
Recognizing and responding to signs of mental health distress is an important way to support employees. Learn what you might see and how to respond.
SEPT 18: Shift Work Strategies: Going to work when others are going to bed can bring challenges. Get sleep strategy tips, plus ideas for maximizing nutrition and staying connected.
Register for the sessions at Want to see it now? Click here.
• Community volunteering
• Consumer issues
• Dining & entertainment
• Emergency Services
• Event planning
• Home maintenance & repair • Relocation
• Travel and recreation
Contact us any day, anytime.
Call 1-888-371-1125 or log in to Employer ID: ma (for initial registration only).