Page 7 - O Bunge Oils Resource Guide
P. 7

A FEw qUESTiONS TO ASk YOURSELF how do you extend frylife in your operation?
Perhaps you have an operation that is heavily involved in frying . You have reliable, skilled employees that can handle most any kitchen task . A heavy duty solid or creamy liquid would make sense for you since you have the labor expertise to optimize frylife . However, you may have trouble optimizing your frylife due to business fluctuations and lack of structure . This is why many operations change their oil routinely even though the oil may last longer . We can assist you in developing operational efficien- cies to maximize frylife . This is the ideal situation for Elite® Pour ’N Fry®, Marathon® or Pro•Fromance® . Your customers will come to your restaurant because you have great fried food .
what is the nutrition message you are trying to send to your customers?
Overcoming an unhealthy image of fried foods is a challenge for you and your customers . For many, these objections can be overcome by letting your customers know that you are frying in a certain type of oil . Canola oil, soybean oil and corn oil have very positive images with consumers . Choosing your oil with customer psychology in mind can impact your profitability .

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