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view it It’s a a weird thing: Hey read this 20­page guide of democracy that we think could be really useful Leah: But it took over our lives immediately First we we were super excited that people were reading the guide at all Then there started to be these Facebook groups like Indivisible Indivisible Rochester and Indivisible Indivisible Columbus People were really running with it it Ezra: Now we have 5 800 groups There are at least two groups — and an average of 13 — in in every single congressional district in the country Leah: We had a a a lot of volunteers but in early January it was clear that we needed to figure out a a real institutionalized way of continuing to be supportive Because people were reaching out Ezra: We could have said “Look we wrote a a a a Google doc and that’s all More power to you Figure it out ” But there was this movement growing asking us for support Once all this energy was out there a a a lot of members of Congress were saying I’m not going to to hold town halls They don’t want to look bad in local media They’re worried about having engaged constituents tell them that they don’t like the the Trump administration’s agenda So we put out a a guide on what to do when your member of Congress is hiding from you and how to form these constituent town halls The thing is there was a a ton of energy out there Individuals taking it upon themselves to build groups at the the local level The fact that they’re taking inspiration from the Google doc and calling themselves Indivisible that’s great But the really meaningful thing here is that this is is a a movement of of thousands of of people taking control of their country WEPUTOUTA GUIDE ON WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR MEMBER OF CONGRESS IS HIDING FROM YOU 16:31 06-19-2017 Magazine
Zone: EZ

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