Page 13 - PBL71 OI/AXM630-EN AZTEC 600 SS (WIRO)
P. 13
Aztec 600 ISE ammonia and fluoride
Single-stream ion-selective analyzers 2 Introduction
1. Alarm Status
– Flashing red alarm event icon – alarm active and unacknowledged
– Continuous red alarm event icon – alarm active and acknowledged
2. Alarm Event and Operator Message Annotations
If Alarm event annotation is enabled and an alarm becomes active, a red alarm event icon surrounded by a channel colored
box is displayed at the point at which the alarm occurred, together with the alarm time and tag. For example:
11:58:00 1.1A High Level
If more than one alarm occurs in the same sample period:
– and the second alarm on a channel becomes active, its icon is added behind the first.
– and more than one operator message is active (max. 6), a second icon is added behind the first.
– the new alarm event icons appear to the left of earlier icons.
– the time and tag of the oldest alarm (right-most icon) only is displayed.
OI/AXM630–EN Rev. J 9