Page 36 - PBL71 OI/AXM630-EN AZTEC 600 SS (WIRO)
P. 36

Aztec 600 ISE ammonia and fluoride
Single-stream ion-selective analyzers 6 Configuration
Operator level security
Sets access to the 'Calibration & Maintenance' and 'Logging' menus. If set to 'Off', no password is required.
If set to 'On' and 'Security type' is set to 'Basic' an additional 'Operator level password' field is displayed.
If set to 'On' and 'Security type' is set to 'Advanced', all users are required to enter their user password to gain access to the 'Calibration & Maintenance' and 'Logging' menus.
  The following field is displayed only if 'Security system' is set to 'Basic' and 'Operator level security' is set to 'On'.
  Operator level password
All users are required to enter this password to gain access to the 'Calibration & Maintenance' and 'Logging' menus.
 The following fields are displayed only if 'Security system' is set to 'Advanced'.
 Reconfigure preset
Passwords are set initially by User 1 (System Administrator) but any user can make subsequent changes to their own password.
When set to 'Yes' each user must change their password after it is used for the first time following initial configuration.
Password expiry
Select the number of days that the password is valid for. When a password expires, the user is prompted to provide a new password.
Inactive user disabling
Select the number of days after which an inactive user's access privileges are de-activated.
Password failure limit
Enter the number of consecutive incorrect password entries allowed by a user. If the number of incorrect entries exceeds this limit, the user's access privileges are de-activated and can be reinstated only by the System Administrator (User 1).
Min password length
Sets the minimum length required for user's passwords.
           32 OI/AXM630–EN Rev. J

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