Page 47 - PBL71 OI/AXM630-EN AZTEC 600 SS (WIRO)
P. 47

Aztec 600 ISE ammonia and fluoride
Single-stream ion-selective analyzers
6.8 Commissioning
There is one tab in the Commissioning screen:
6.8.1 Setup
6 Configuration
    Note. Access to the Commissioning Level is protected by an Internal Security Switch. The switch is, by default, set to 'Disabled' and should be set to 'Enabled' only if the measurement parameter is to be changed. For further information on the function of the Internal Security Switch, refer to Section 6.1.4, page 30.
Instrument type
The parameter to be measured by the analyzer. The options for ISE analyzers are:  Ammonia ISE
 Fluoride ISE
Streams Fitted
Fixed at 1.
Serial Number
The serial number of the analyzer.
Mode of Operation
Options are:
 Normal Run Mode
 Demonstration Mode  Test Mode
 Test mode is for diagnostic use only. Do not leave the analyzer running in this mode.
 Before selecting 'Test Mode', disable archiving to SD card to prevent stored data conflicts.
Clear NonVol
Select 'Yes' to clear the analyzer's non-volatile memory.
Note. Selecting 'Yes' resets 'Instrument type' (see above) to its default setting of 'Iron monitor' therefore the correct measurement parameter must be reselected.
Motor Speed
Default setting is 2.80 rpm
Economy Mode
Reduces reagent consumption (thereby lowering running costs) at the expense of a slower response time. The options are:
 Off
 2.0 rpm.
            OI/AXM630–EN Rev. J

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