Page 53 - PBL71 OI/AXM630-EN AZTEC 600 SS (WIRO)
P. 53

Aztec 600 ISE ammonia and fluoride
Single-stream ion-selective analyzers
7.5.3 Text Format Log Files (Audit and Alarm Log)
Alarm Event logs for each process group and the Audit log are archived into individual files.
The filenames are formatted as shown in Table 7.6.
Table 7.6 Text Format Log File Format
If one of the archive log files becomes full (>64000 entries) a new file is created with an extension incremented by 1, for example: a01, e01.
New text format log data files are also created when the daylight saving period starts.
7.5.4 Daylight Saving
Files containing data generated during the daylight saving period have '~DS' appended to the filename.
Start of daylight saving period
A daily file is started at 00:00:00 on 30th March 2012 filename: 30Mar12AW633.D00
Summertime starts at 2:00am on 30th March 2012 and the clock changes automatically to 3:00am.
The existing file is closed and a new file is created filename: 30Mar12AW633~DS.D00
The file '30Mar12AW633.D00' contains data generated from 00:00:00 to 01:59:59.
The file '30Mar12AW633~DS.D00' contains data generated from 03:00:00.
End of daylight saving period
A daily file is started at 00:00:00 on 26th October 2012 filename: 26Oct12AW633~DS.D00
Summertime ends at 3:00am on 26th October 2012 and the clock changes automatically to 2:00am.
The existing file is closed and a new file is created filename: 26Oct12AW633.D00
The file '26Oct12AW633~DS.D00' contains data generated from 00:00:00 to 02:59:59.
The file '26Oct12AW633.D00' contains data generated from 02:00:00.
7 Logging
7.5.5 Text Format Data Verification and Integrity
When text format data is saved to the archive media it is checked automatically to verify that the data stored on the media matches exactly what is stored in the internal memory.
7.6 Binary Format Data Files
Binary format archived data is stored in a secure binary encoded format. A separate file is created for each recording channel. The log data is stored in an encrypted text format.
The files can be read on a PC using ABB's DataManager Pro data analysis software package.
7.6.1 Binary Format Data Filenames
When the 'Archive file format' parameter is set to 'Binary format', the 'New File Interval' parameters (see Section 6.6.4, page 40) are disabled and binary format filenames are created with the content – see Table 7.7.
  Log File
Alarm Event
<hour min> <day, mm, yy> <process group tag>.e00
Audit Log
<hour min> <day, mm, yy> <instrument tag>.a00
        Data Type
Filename Content
Stream Data
<Start Time HHMMSS>
<Start Date DDMMMYY> Ch<Group><Channel><monitor tag>
e.g.: 14322719Mar12Ch1_2Final Water3
Alarm Event Log Data
<Start Time HH_MM> <Start Date DDMMMYY> <Process Group Tag>
e.g.: 14_3219Mar12Final Water5
Audit log Data
<Start Time HH_MM> <Start Date DDMMMYY> <Instrument Tag>
e.g.: 14_3219Mar12Final Water3
       Table 7.7 Binary Format Data Filenames
Filename extensions are assigned according to the data type archived – see Table 7.8.
Binary Format File Extension
Stream data
Alarm Event Log data files
– the historical record of the alarm events related to the stream plus the history of any operator messages
Audit Log data files
– the historical entries from the audit log
       OI/AXM630–EN Rev. J
Table 7.8 Binary Format Data Filename Extensions

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