Page 126 - PBL614 IM/SM500F-EN SM500F ( WIRO)
P. 126

Field mountable paperless recorder 7 Configuration
7.10.5 RS485 (ModbusTM) Communications
Note. This Section is applicable only if the optional Modbus/Digital Input module is fitted. Refer to Appendix B, page 148 for further information on using the Modbus link.
Set a unique Modbus Address (between 1 and 31) to enable the host system to identify the instrument on a Modbus link.
Note. Maximum 31 slaves per loop.
Set to the Baud rate used by the host system: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600,
19200, 38400, 115200.
Set to the Parity used by the host system: None, Odd, Even.
IM/SM500F Rev. AA

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