Page 55 - PBL614 IM/SM500F-EN SM500F ( WIRO)
P. 55
Field mountable paperless recorder 6 Archiving
6.2 Sample Rates
Data is saved to the archive file at the same rate as it is saved to internal memory, i.e. at either the Group's primary or secondary recording sample rate.
Fig. 6.1 Archiving Sample Rates
6.3 Archive File Types
Archive files are created in one of two user-selectable formats:
Text (comma separated values [.csv]) – see Section 6.4, page 54 or
Secure binary encoded – see Section 6.5, page 59
All archive files created by the recorder are given filenames automatically but each type of archived file is given a different file extension depending on whether Text or Binary format has been selected during archive configuration – see Section 7.7.4, page 90. File types and extensions for Text files are shown in Table 6.1. File types and extensions for Binary files are shown in Table 6.2.
Channel data files
Analog or digital recording channels in the current process group.
Alarm event log files
The historical record of the alarm events related to the group's channels plus the history of any operator messages.
Totalizer log files
The historical record of all totalizer and associated statistical values relating to the group's recording channels.
Audit log files
The historical entries from the audit log.
(Note. The content of this file is the same for all groups).
Digital signature files
Digital signature file for the corresponding channel data file.
Table 6.1 Text Format File Types and Extensions
IM/SM500F Rev. AA 53