Page 62 - PBL614 IM/SM500F-EN SM500F ( WIRO)
P. 62

Field mountable paperless recorder 6 Archiving
Files containing channel data generated during the daylight saving period (summertime) have '~DS' appended to the filename.
Example 1 – Start of daylight saving period:
Archiving is started at 01:45:00 on 30th March 2003 – filename: 01450030Mar03Ch1_1AnlgSM2000.B00.
Summertime starts at 2:00am on 30th March 2003.
The clock changes automatically to 3:00am.
The existing file is closed and a new file is created – filename: 03000030Mar03Ch1_1AnlgSM2000~DS.B00.
The file '01450330Mar03Ch1_1AnlgSM2000.B00' contains data generated from 01:45:00 to 01:59:59 (before summertime starts).
The file '03000030Mar03Ch1_1AnlgSM2000~DS.B00' contains data generated from 03:00:00 (after summertime starts).
Example 2 – End of daylight saving period:
Archiving is started at 00:15:00 on 26th October 2003 – filename: 00150026Oct03Ch1_1AnlgSM2000~DS.B00.
Summertime ends at 3:00am on 26th October 2003.
The clock changes automatically to 2:00am.
The existing file is closed and a new file is created – filename: 02000026Oct03Ch1_1AnlgSM2000.B00.
The file '00150026Oct03Ch1_1AnlgSM2000~DS.D00' contains data generated from 00:15:00 to 02:59:59 (before summertime ends).
The file '02000026Oct03Ch1_1AnlgSM2000' contains data generated from 02:00:00 (after summertime ends).
6.5.3 Binary Format Log files
A new binary log file is created under the following conditions:
 When an existing valid binary log file does not exist on the media card.  When the maximum size (65000 entries) is exceeded.
 When the daylight saving period starts or ends.
Files containing log data generated during the daylight saving period (summertime) have “~DS” appended to the filename.
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